2311 - 2320

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2311. Making music may actually have a quantifiable effect on our brain. When you hook up guitar players to electrodes, researchers discovered that brainwaves of musicians synchronize when they play duets.

2312. The brain feels rejected as a physical pain.

2313. Our brains have a negativity bias and will remember negative memories more than good ones. This helps us to better protect ourselves.

2314. Everyone dreams, even blind people, for at least 1-2 hours and on average 4-7 dreams each night. Brain waves are more active while you are dreaming than when you are awake.

2315. Our brains are so accustomed to recognizing human faces that we see it in random patterns.

2316. You will probably noticed companies such as pizza hut, KFC, McDonalds all use red colour in the logos. Red colour is associated with excitement and youthfulness. It also stimulates the area of brain which is responsible for colour.

2317. In early pregnancy, the neurons develop at an alarming rate of 250,000 per minute.

2318. MRIs of the canine brain indicate that dogs experience positive emotions similar to that of a human child. Among other things, the sight of familiar humans seems to trigger positive feelings in a dog’s brain.

2319. Even a short, one-time burst of exercise can boost parts of the brain responsible for executive function such as decision-making and focus, a research paper found.

2320. If you can’t stop your stream of thoughts at night, get up and write them down. This will set your mind at ease so you can sleep.

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