Chapter 1

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I could see her running. I couldn't do anything but watch.

I felt like a ghost, seeing her running with a man that looked so familiar.

A man I knew would try to protect the girl because the fate of the multiverse depended on it.

The one and only, Stephen Strange.

America had jumped and glanced over my way. Knowing I was there, trying to help her but knowing I couldn't.

I couldn't help her in my dream.

I was there, watching and observing.

Although it did feel as if I wasn't the only one doing so.

I felt another pair of eyes on me.

I glanced around to see if there was someone else.

I felt their presence.

It felt like a males presence but I could just be assuming.

I looked off into the distance at every angle and could have sworn I saw a shadow quickly hiding behind a pillar.

I would have gone after to check on it but I heard America shriek out of fear.

"What're you doing?" she asked, terror seeping from her voice.

I looked over to see Strange sucking the power out of her.

I knew he would do this. If there was one thing I had learned is that you never trust Dr. Strange.

I can hear him trying to justify his actions but I was trying to do something, anything to help her. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. She was a kid, a little younger than myself but I still felt responsible for her.

I finally was able to conjure up a bit of electricity and shot it at Stephen hand, the one blocking the monster.

His defense went down and the monster impaled him in the chest.

I saw him glance over to where I was but he couldn't see where or who shot the electricity because I was traveling through multiverses. Only America could see me when this happened. It was how I first found out about her.

I saw America make it towards the book of Vishanti but the creature grabbed her. It latched onto both her arms and legs and started to restrain her. I heard her screaming from pain and fear.

"America!" I yelled.

I knew only she could hear me, so when she glanced over at me I nodded my head.

She knew what I was gonna do and shook her head.

I was going to give her the last of my strength to open a portal so she could escape.

She knew that meant I wouldn't be able to reach her for a little while.

It took a toll on me when it happened.

I made my way to her and grabbed her hand.

"No," She whimpered.

She was scared and she had every right to be.

I know if I was in her shoes I probably would have pissed myself.

"I will see you soon." I whispered to her, trying to be comforting.

I closed my eyes, focusing on giving her the power to open the portal. When I opened them her eyes were glowing blue and the familiar star shaped portal opened up. I was getting tired, waiting for her to go through but the creature was still holding onto her.

Stephen finally used the last of his strength, cutting off the tentacles holding her and her flying through the portal. Along with the now dead Strange, following her. The portal closed before the creature could go in.

I fell to the ground and was on the verge of sleep when I saw the shadow in the distance again.

I didn't know how it was but all I knew was that it watched the whole time, without interfering. Its head was bigger than the average human and seemed to have two bright eyes.

I fell asleep in that place only to wake up back in my home.

I got up out of my bed and looked around my room. I was a little disoriented, like I always was when I helped America.

I heard people talking outside the room and decided that I should get up.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was only 6:30 so I decided to not listen to myself and laid back in bed.

My eyes started to close and I knew another dreamless sleep was going to come when I felt the bed dip.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I smiled, humming. I scooted more into him so my back was pressed against his chest.

He had his signature cologne on and I knew he had just gotten back from training with the team.

He always put on his cologne after a shower and with the time, I knew he had just trained and showered because of the sweat.

"Let me sleep a little longer, please." I mumbled out, slowly succumbing to sleep.

"Alright, go ahead and get some sleep, beautiful." He muttered.

"Love you Johnny."

"I love you too, Alla."


These first couple of ones are gonna be shorter but I assure you they will get longer.

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