Chapter 4

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We all stood, ready to defend ourselves and America.

A figure came out of what looked to be a portal.

It was more of a shadow than anything, with a tint of red.

There were red glowing eyes and a ball of red in their hands.

I knew exactly who it was.

Strange stood straight up, no curve to his spine. He looked at America then made eye contact with me.

I gave him a single nod. Mentally telling him I got her.

I looked at Johnny and he kissed my head.

He could see it in my eyes, I was absolutely terrified.

She was here.

The one who took my mom away from me.

"You are trespassing here. You need to leave before we take further action.'' Reed said out loud, his leader's voice booming.

The shadow didn't even acknowledge his words. It merely looked at all of us before locking its gaze on America.

I stepped into her line of sight.

"Don't even think about touching her." My voice is low with venom.

The shadow looked at me with a tilted head.

"Hand over the girl and everything will remain calm." Her voice rang out. It sent shivers down my spine that reluctantly showed.

Though the only people who noticed were the shadow, Strange, Susan, and Johnny.

"All this to protect a girl you don't even know."

"This is my little sister and I can assure you, I won't fail to protect her." I challenged her.

"All I want are my children." She tried to convince everyone but nobody budge.

"Wanda, you have no children." Strange told her.

"We've had this conversation before Stephen. I won't do it with you again. Now, give her to me or I will show no mercy."

"Neither will we." Johnny said, standing next to me. I looked up at him and he looked at me. I smiled at him. I will forever love this man, no matter what.

"Alright, let's dance, witch." Susan spoke.

The one time she should open her mouth and she chooses that of all things to say.

If I could facepalm I would right now.

The shadow of Wanda grew angry and sent a ball of energy towards Susan but she turned invisible and maneuvered out of the way.

Ben came out of nowhere and tried to hit the shadow but he ended up just hitting the floor instead. She threw a blast at him and he flew backwards. He started to fall apart. Into small pebbles until he was a pile of rubble.

We were shocked and stunned.

Reed and Strange tried to hit her next. Reed tried to reach for her but Wanda picked him up with her powers and started to pull him apart in every direction. She was about to pull him to the point of ripping him apart when Susan came up behind her and made a force field around her.

It causes Wanda to lose focus and drop reed.

I was currently in front of America. I didn't want to leave her defenseless but I wanted to help. I was in a bit of a dilemma too.

If I wake up America she might get scared and use her powers. If I don't wake her she's vulnerable.

Before I could decide what to do Johnny spun me to him. He took my face in his hand and kissed me passionately. He kept going until we heard Susan yell.

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