Chapter 3

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"Captain?" Strange said to Johnny.

Me and Johnny looked at each other and then at him, faces scrunching up. Not understanding why he called him the captain.

"Please, Johnny? The Captain of the team? We'd all die before we left the building, ain't that right flame head?" Ben said, laughing at his own comment.

"Don't even get me started on you Big Guy." Johnny retorted.

I saw the look on Ben's face, or at least tried to, and intervened before an argument or fight happened. Last time this happened Johnny lit the place on fire and Ben had a charcoal look on him. That happened last week.

"Alright you two enough. Let's all sit down and talk." I told them.

We all took a seat on the couches. America rushed to sit by me and help my hand. I could feel her nerves radiating off of her. I peeked into her head and saw all the terrible monsters that she encountered so I decided to give her a better image.

I gave her a dream where it was just me and her heading to a stream. Playing in the fields next to it. Laughing, having a picnic, picking flowers. It was just us having a relaxing day.

She looked over at me when it was over and smiled. I could see tears in her eyes. I squeezed her hand to show her comfort and she squeezed it back. I could hear the others talking but I didn't focus on them.

America scooted towards me some more. I put my arm around her and cradled her into my side. She wrapped her arms around me and I smiled down at her.

I held her while looking up and noticed a strange and reed having a discussion. Susan sat right next to him, holding his hand. I looked around for Ben when I didn't see him sitting with us. I turned my head and noticed he was getting a drink while simultaneously listening to the conversation.

Johnny sat next to me. He looked over at me and America smiling. He reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it. He brought it up and kissed the back of it before resting it in his lap.

I noticed the occasional glances we would get from strangers. He sat next to America, opposite Reed and Susan.

His glances were annoying me. Yet, even if he simply blinked, I would probably get annoyed.

I finally turned back when Johnny squeezed my hand.

"We will help protect America but I truly don't believe we have the resources and team to defend her. Especially with this red witch person." Reed said.

Red witch? He couldn't possibly be referring to-

"The scarlet witch. Believe me, if I wasn't desperate, I wouldn't have asked for help." Strange corrected him.

I stiffened and Johnny noticed. He scooted closer to me. He held me in his arms, cautious of America who had fallen asleep in my arms. I could tell she was exhausted from all her freight.

I could feel Susan looking over at us but I avoided all contact. I simply looked out the window.

"What do you know about any of this Alla?" She questioned.

"Now you want my help Susan? You want my dreams?" I snarked while looking out the window.

I could hear Reed sighing, knowing Susan is going to fire back.

"You know what you little-" She started but Johnny cut her off.

"Jesus Christ just admit you need the help Susan."

She huffed, staying silent.

"Since, you asked so nicely. I haven't dreamt about the scarlet witch but I do know about her. She is said to destroy universes, her power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme." I said, glancing at strange things.

"Could you fight her?" Reed asked.

Strange looked at me, curiosity spiking in his face.


"I know what you're going to say Alla but if you could, would you try?" Reed interrupted.

"Even if I wanted to, you know I couldn't." I trailed off into a whisper.

Reed nodded his head and didn't push any further. Susan on the other hand was about to get all up in my business but stopped when she got a look from Reed.

I felt the atmosphere shift.

I looked out the window.

I felt something looking, watching us.

I slipped out of Johnny's hold and laid in America where I was sitting.

I walked to the window. I felt everybody looking at us.

"What is it Alla?" Johnny asked, walking up behind me.

"Something's here. Someone." I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I looked behind me. Past Johnny, Reed, and Strange. I could see a pair of eyes. They glowed a bit. I held eye contact and slowly started walking towards them but they vanished before I could go further. It was odd but I didn't have a chance to think about it because someone entered our universe.

My hairs stood up every time a new addition was added to the universe I'm in. Just like now.

"Someone's here." I said out loud.

Reed and Susan stood up.

Strange hesitantly stood up, looking over to America who was still laying on the couch.

I exchanged a look with johnny and we both walked over to America. I didn't wake her up just yet because I didn't need her powers to go off.

"Where is it Alla?" Reed asked, I saw him preparing for a fight. His suit came out, which he wore under his clothes. Same with Susan.

I could feel the magic. It felt familiar. It felt like home.

It felt like it was in the same room.

"She's here."

Havoc [Multiverse of Madness]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora