1- New School

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"Aaron sweetie wake up please get ready for school." Aaron's mom yelled from across the hallway into the kitchen as she continued to make a fresh breakfast. She hoped that Aaron would be comfortable in his knew school since they had moved currently three times. While Aaron was completely nervous about everything as he is changing into his simple school clothes with added with training pants because of his problem. You see Aaron had trouble knowing when he needed to know when he needed to pee and having a hard time holding it which caused various accidents at random times which is the reason Aaron, and his mom moved several times. So, Aaron started wearing training underpants to help him his mom didn't even know about it. Aaron also packed his headphones stuffing it at the bottom of his backpack and zipping it up.

Aaron walked slowly down the hallway with his backpack hanging off his shoulder slightly not prepared for the speech his mom always gave him on his first day. " Hurry Aaron we are going to be late eat quickly." Aaron's mom said while texting on her phone rapidly Aaron was curios who she was texting because Aaron's mom rarely texted unless it was a friend who she didn't have many of. "Who are you texting mom?" Aarons asked out of curiosity while shoving food in his mouth "Your homeroom teacher who is going to be guiding you throughout the school and helping you." Aarons eyes widened as a flash of thoughts rushed through his if she could've told his teacher about his secret, or maybe that he struggled in school and that he needed a bit more help than others. Aaron ended up losing his appetite and throwing his food away. Right as his mom finished talking to his teacher "Come on Aaron we need to go." Aaron's mom said as she threw the rest of her food away and grabbed her purse. Aaron quickly went to the bathroom before coming back grabbing his backpack and his jacket. "Okay Aaron, I really need you to be careful today since it is your first day, I don't want anything to happen." Aaron groaned at this because his mom always talked like this to him, and he absolutely hated it. "Aaron I'm serious please try and read your body I don't want anything to happen to you" Aaron's mom said very worried for Aaron. 

"Okay mom ill 'try' but it isn't my fault" Aaron whispered the last part. Aaron's parents blame him for having accidents all the time until they went to the doctor. His mom still blamed him sometimes but not as before Aaron was so lost in thought he hadn't even realized they were at the school. "Okay Aaron have a good day for me, okay?" Aaron's mom said while waving at Aaron which he ignored. Aaron walked slowly thinking about all the things that could happen while he was here. He wasn't even paying attention he ran right into someone causing him to fall over landing harshly on his bum. "Oh goodness are you okay?"

Cliffhanger (; 

First chapter how do you guys like it comment, vote, and give me tips. <33 luv you

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