2- teacher

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I MADE A BIG MISTAKE, so Mr. Vogrins original last name was Dunn and back then i had no idea about the joshler ship but while creating this book i found out about the ship and i love it now its just weird cause his last name is dunn so if you see it bare with me PLEASE

"Oh goodness are you okay?" said the unfamiliar voice aimed directly at Aaron who was currently on the ground looking at the very tall figure above him. The tall man knew Aaron was lost for words, so he just lifted him up very easily Aaron was in shock so all he said was. "I-I'm fine thanks" while walked away quickly towards the school doors. The man who turned out to be his homeroom teacher didn't seem to recognize the small boy and thought he was the new student he was informed about. Leaving his carpool duty, he went to investigate heading towards the front office "Hi Carol I was wondering if I could have a description of the new student because I thought I saw him, but I didn't know for sure." Of course, said Carol smiling while going to type of her computer "Found him." Carol said smiling "His name is Aaron Hentley and moved here from California." Carol said to the Mr. Vogrin

"Oh yes Aaron I spoke to his mother earlier about him." Mr. Dunn said realizing that Aaron was the 'special' boy his mom clearly stated. Mr. Dunn then realized Aaron was supposed to be here to meet him and have a talk. "Thank you Carol I have to go now because 'someone' is missing." Mr. Dunn said sarcastically to Carol who just laughed and said goodbye. 

Meanwhile Aaron was completely lost somewhere in the school. His anxiety began to kick in as his breathing became faster and the hallways stretched Infront of him. Everyone was staring, whispering, and laughing at him to the point where tears were appearing in his eyes. He jumped when a hand was on his shoulder and a calm voice spoke directly to him.

"Aaron?" Said Mr. Vogrin confused why Aaron was all the way out here in the school. "Buddy what are you doing all the way here?" Mr. Vogrin asked in a gently voice noticing Aaron's panic Aaron was a complete lost for words and just stared at the ground shuffling his feet across the floor.  Aaron always carried something to fidget when he became nervous but at the time, he didn't have anything, so he just messed with his hands. Mr. Dunn was still confused why Aaron was lost in words, so he thought he was just shy "Come on Aaron lets go to my office and have a chat." Mr. Dunn said smiling while grabbing Aaron's hand like he was a small child.

When the Aaron arrived at Mr. Dunn's office, he told him to have a seat right Infront of him. Aaron couldn't help but feel nervous as he fidgeted with the end of his hoodie "Aaron there's no need to be nervous you're not in trouble." Mr. Dunn said noticing Aaron's distress still Aaron felt nervous but not as much as before so he just nodded afraid, he would stutter too much. "Use your words little one." Mr. Dunn said in a slightly dominate voice sending goosebumps down Aaron's spine "Y-yes sir" Aaron spoke quietly "Good now I must explain a few things to you before we head to class.

"So, me and your mom had a chat earlier and we spoke about your education, attendance, and grades." Mr. Vogrin said while looking inside a medium sized file. "So, we decided that the classes you struggle most in I will either take you from that class and tutor you alone or I will stay in that class with you and guide you." Mr. Vogrin spoke while eyeing Aaron carefully noticing he wasn't really paying attention he noticed his squirming and his hands squished between his thighs.

Aaron's teacher was about to start talking about something when suddenly his brain sent a message to his bladder, and he had to go right now. He was completely fine a few minutes ago but now it seems like Hes been holding it for hours without notice self-consciously he shoved his hands between his legs hoping it would help. "Aaron is there something wrong" Mr. Vogrin said seeing if Aaron would admit his desperation but it didn't Aaron just shook his head still looking at the ground. "Aaron, do you need the bathroom?" Mr. Vogrin spoke noticing Aarons tears at the brim of his eyes but still Aaron shook his head. " Come on Aaron lets go to the bathroom" Mr. Vogrin said while standing up out of his chair walking towards Aaron. He took Aaron's hand guiding him to his bathroom across his office opening the door for him. "Aaron, can you go to the bathroom for me?" Mr. Vogrin said softly not to startle the younger Aaron didn't respond he just stood there because he knew if he moved, he would burst. Suddenly Aaron started sobbing right there while his pants darkened beneath him, and a puddle spread across the bathroom.

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