Chapter 1 - Maniac

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THE humid summer sun beat down on my back as I ambled absent-mindedly down the deathly silent street, the only noise arising from the surrounding area was that of my heels tapping rhythmically along the sidewalk , paired with the occasional rustle of my shopping bag as the gentle breeze blew past.

I sighed to myself lost in thought... I knew I'd taken a wrong turn at some point when I left the market but couldn't quite figure out where.
This was my third attempt at trying to find my way back to the high street. The saying "third time lucky." Had not done me any favours.
I now found myself in an even bigger predicament, these streets were like a maze to me. It didn't help I was still new to the area.

I reached a fork in the road, heading down yet another empty street, perhaps this time I'll find a way out?

Click, tap, click, tap...

My heels beat against the concrete steadily, scuffing every once in a while when they almost slipped off.
I knew I should have gotten a size smaller.

Click, tap, click tap. Beep!
"The passcode you have entered is incorrect.Please try again." The automated voice from across the street broke my rhythm.
I looked to my left, across the road.

A large house with an imposing archway and tall red gate gates stood opposite me, and beyond that- a pathway and steps leading up to the door.
A young boy in a scruffy khaki-green coat hunched infront of said door, punching at the keypad with nervous haste, his hands obviously trembling even from where I stood.

I lifted a foot to start walking again when another loud beep made me pause "The passcode you have entered is incorrect. Please try again."
Again? Does this guy have memory loss? How do you get a passcode to your own door wrong?

I paused, looking over at the boy again, he'd twisted his body slightly and I could see his side profile, it wasn't a boy but a man, he held a disheveled looking piece of paper and crossed something off of it with a pen before jabbing his fingers on the keypad a third time.
Or at least the third time I'd seen.. who knows how long he's been outside that ominous looking house for.

I lent on a nearby lamppost now slightly concerned at the man's motives.

Just then a police car on patrol cruised past at a slow pace. The passenger officer seemed to note the direction of my gaze, looking over at the house with the red gate with an raised eyebrow.
"Excuse me..." The driver spoke hanging an arm out of his window, he addressed me first, the Khaki-jacketed man turned momentarily his eyes widened in fear.
The senior police officer spoke looking between me and the man at the door.
"We've been patrolling the area because of a surge of recent trespassing, please be careful."
I nodded gratefully giving a slow smile.
"Thank you for letting me know officers." I spoke quietly, pointing my finger slightly towards the man in the khaki, hoping the officers partner in the passenger seat would get my hint.
The younger policeman furrowed his brows about to say something to the driver- his senior officers voice cut him off.
"Hey that's Sangwoo's house..." the driver stated to himself through his opened window, loud enough for me to hear.

The khaki jacket man had already turned and was dialing at the keypad once again his hands shaking more than ever.

The younger officer swung out the car with practiced ease, tipping his hat politely as he walked past me and round the front of the car, towards the house.
He pushes the red gate open wider.
"Excuse me, is that your house." He spoke clearly, with no hesitation. His shoulders straightened formally.
The officer was in no mood for joking around.

The scruffy lad at the door turned slightly, giving a nervous smile.
"I'm picking up some stuff from Sangwoo's, I'm a relative."

Huh. Maybe the guy wasn't as shady as I first thought, though I didn't buy it... he was too odd. Too nervous.

The officer on the other hand tipped his hat politely "Have a great day then."

I hid my surprise by checking my phone, sending a message to my brother.
{"Yo i got a little lost after going shopping but I'm going to try and get a ride from some policemen that are patrolling, tell mom I'll be late home.")✔️✔️

He replied with a {"👍") thumbs up.

I looked up from my phone again seeing the officer stood by his car watching the scrawny man closely.
The latter was frozen in place, glancing over his shoulder at the officer nervously.
He breathed in shakily pressing the code in again.
"Beep, passcode incorrect. Attempt 5. Please try again."

If I'd have been drinking coffee at that point I would have spat it out.
'FIVE TIMES?!' My head screamed.

Oh man I couldn't wait to tell my brother about this story, how bad can a thief get? He's really in trouble now!

The police officer stiffened momentarily before springing into action, he speed walked toward the gate, pushing past it at surprising speed.

The man at the door frantically beat at the buttons again his hand slipping at the last digit.
I winced.
Ooh Damn, he's getting jail time for sure...

I waited for the beep to sound whilst I watched the officer take several long strides past the gate and up the pathway.
My heart raced with anxious fear both for the man and for the officer, what if the man in the jacket had a weapon?
My mind raced as I watched the scene before me as if it were in slow motion.

"Ding ding ding, click, passcode correct please proceed with entry."

The door opened automatically allowing the man to slip in.
No fricking way....

The scruffy looking man bolted into the house bidding the officer- who was frozen in shock a friendly farewell.

Hi Dolls! Hope you enjoyed the first Part of this story :) if you did leave A "⭐️"
Don't be afraid to comment! I love reading your thoughts!

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