Chapter 3- Criminal

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"Cousin?" Sangwoo said in confusion

My ears felt like perking up at his tone, I looked up at him momentarily noting the way his eyebrows creased up, then as if a mask had been pulled over his face he relaxed.

"Oh yeah. He mentioned something about stopping by. I must have forgotten." He smiled. It didn't reach his eyes- 

There was a brief silence as we all stared at Sangwoo, he rubbed the back of his neck in both stress and embarrassment.

"Hey you wouldn't mind giving me a ride back to my place would you? If he's there now I'd like to be able to catch up with him ya know... it's been a while." He said almost pleadingly.

Officer Park turned to look back at me his, eyebrows knitting with guilt.
"I would... really I would but we promised to take this young lady back home first and-" I cut him off waving my hands.
"No, no I'm fine to wait I've let my family know I'm with you guys so I'm not in any rush, you can give Mr Oh a lift and drop me off after." I spoke hastily.

Sangwoos gaze shifted to me again, he eyed me pensively, with less enmity.

"Okay, Sangwoo hop in the back with the lady." Officer park spoke with amusement.

Sangwoo turned to his friend giving her a quick hug goodbye after explaining his urgency and ran round the back of the car, he flung the door open with more force than what seemed necessary and slid into the seat next to me.
The car rocked slightly at his sudden motion.
I clasped the seat slightly to steady myself waiting for the car to stop moving.

I moved my shopping bags off the seat in between us to give him more space, placing them at my feet.

Sangwoo's chuckle next to me gave me a start, I jumped slightly as I looked back at him from where I was bent over... trying to push a packet of cereal further into its bag so it would not fall out.
I sat back up, my back brushing against his arm as I moved back. I hadn't realised he'd leant closer to talk to me. I gave another slight flinch at the unexpected proximity.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you twice, I guess i should introduce myself. I'm Oh Sangwoo." He held out a hand in a friendly gesture his dark brown, no. Black Eyes bore into mine expectantly. It was completely different to the cold glare he'd given me earlier.

I swallowed, smiling with slight embarrassment maybe I'd imagined his unwarranted hostility.
"Sorry I'm a little jumpy. I'm L/N ,Y/N, it's nice to meet you Mr Oh." My hand found it's way to his as we shook them together. Officer Park was right, Sangwoo did have a strong grip, and large hands, with long fingers and slightly roughened skin, he dwarved my hands in comparison. I tightened my grip as we shook, trying to match his firmness. I didn't like giving weak handshakes.

He pulled his hand away slowly, his fingers seeming to linger on the back of my palm a little longer than necessary, the gentle caress of the pads of his fingers over such thin and fragile skin made my heart speed up slightly.

Sangwoo sat forward again as he spoke to me in a conspirational tone, his minty breath fanned my cheek at how close he was.

"Please, call me Sangwoo, not Mr Oh. I don't think I'm much older than you are." He gave a short scoff. "At least I hope not. I'm only 22."

It was my time to chuckle now "You're still my Oppa then, I'm 20." I informed, crossing my leg over the other and pulling at the hem of my skirt down nervously, it kept ridding up.

Sangwoo's gaze fell on my figure as I did the motion. His eyes flicking over it quickly, it was like being under a hawks gaze. Not the same as Seungbae's gaze however, it wasn't clinical at all, it was hungry.

My skin rippled with goosebumps when his eyes darkened. I stared up at him, my lips parting as I tried to keep my breathing even.
We made eye contact and my cheeks flushed a subtle pink, I broke the gaze. Looking at the rear view mirror to see what the officers were doing.... They were having their own quiet conversation.

Sangwoo cleared his throat breaking the tension. "So how'd you manage to get lost around my turf?" He asked me leaning back in his seat, giving me some much needed space.
I relaxed slightly. Observing the way this stranger next to me sat.
His legs were parted, manspread- but not in the annoying way where they take up lots of room it was more of a confident posture.
Maybe a hint to his personality, he seemed sure of himself.
His leg however kept jogging up and down it gave away his nerves, however much he tried to hide it. He seemed agitated... broad shoulders tense, hands wringing on his lap, knee moving up and down, his jaw was clenched ever so slightly exposing the sharp curve of his jawline.
It seemed as though he was trying to look calm, but his own body failed him.

I looked past him and out the window trying to avoid his penetrative gaze when it snapped in my direction.
He must have notice I was looking at him.
He really was quite attractive up close, far more attractive than many of the men I'd seen around my old town.

The scenery around us moved at a slow pace, traffic in the main street keeping us at a steady crawl. Sangwoos leg kept its steady pace as he waited for me to answer his question from a few minutes ago, the one I'd forgotten whilst I was busy studying him.

"Well, I was out shopping for my little brother and my mom- we just moved here for my new job. And I thought I'd walk around and get accustomed to the area... guess I took a few wrong turns." I shook my head giggling slightly at my own stupidity.

"Not good with directions huh?" He teased pushing his shoulder against mine playfully. He was quite friendly for someone I'd just met, not that I minded of course at least my heart didn't, it pumped faster at the unexpected physical contact.
My eyes flickered across his face taking in his features before I gave my reply, smiling politely.
"You could say that. I just hope I don't get lost at the hospital." I pulled my skirt down once again noticing it inching its way up my thigh the man beside me flicked his eyes down for a millisecond before looking up at my face again.

"Hospital?" Sangwoo's head titled to the side looking slightly concerned, he seemed to have noticed I'd caught his sly glance. He swallowed his leg jigging paused momentarily.
"Oh I'm not ill or anything, It's to do with the new job, trainee nurse on the side of going to university." I informed his lips quirked up at this information.

Officer Park chirped into our conversation.
"What University are you attending?"

"Sungsoo university." I smiled politely at the officer.
"Sangwoo might be able to show you around then!" I quirked one eyebrow up at Officer Parks suggestion. "Sorry?"

"I went to the same university." Sangwoo filled in the blank, his lips curving up into a crooked smile, it was ruggedly handsome.
"Oh." I looked down at my lap. "I wouldn't want to be a bother." I shook my head feeling anxious.

Sangwoo laughed heartily.
"No I'd be happy to, anytime." His voice was breathy next to me I looked up at him through my eyelashes noticing his leg had edged closer and now pressed next to mine, the warmth radiating from them made my eyes flutter.
I turned my head to gaze out of my window but didn't move my leg, enjoying the warmth and perhaps wanting to let the attractive man beside me know I wasn't deterred by his subtle hint.
Perhaps it wasn't a hint and he just didn't have much awareness of personal space, nonetheless my Heart was beating just a little faster than it should have.

I looked at him through the reflection of the window, seeing him stare at the back of my head a slow smile curling onto his full lips as his eyes lingered on my body oblivious to the fact I was watching him. Or maybe he knew and I just didn't care.
I wanted to shiver, but suppressed it, snapping my head back to look at him. To catch him in the act. His eyes flickered up to mine instantly, flashing with momentary shock.
I opened my mouth to speak but paused, seeing the look he was giving me, predatory...

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