Chapter 2 - Entrance

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The officer stood for a moment of contemplation before letting out a tired sigh, he turned and walked back round to his side of the car with long purposeful strides.
His eyes flickered to my direction as I stood still watching.
He paused at the cars door, turning to face me fully and addressing me as he opened the vehicles door and slid into his seat, one leg still hanging out.

"Nothing to see here miss, you can get on with your day now." His voice was monotone, holding the same formality as it did when he spoke to the khaki dude.

Wow. Way to tell a girl to mind her own business.

I smiled curtly.
"Actually officers I would like a quick favour."
He paused as he fastened his seat belt.
"Yes?" He sighed.

"I'm a little lost, do you know the way to Banghwa street?" My heels clicked as I stepped off the side walk and into the road, approaching the car to get a closer look at both police men.
The younger officer shrugged looking over to his partner.
"I'm new to town so you'll have to ask my colleague. Do you know where Banghwa street is Park-nim?" He asked, everything from his posture to his voice told me he thought I was waisting his time.
My hands tightened around the handle of my shopping bags.
I bent slightly at the waist to look through the car at the older man in the drivers seat as he began to speak.

"Oh wow, you're a little far out, you can walk that way until you reach the subway and catch a train to the nearest station but that might take over and hour... or we could give you a ride."  The older man gave a friendly smile, my lips quirked up appreciatively eyes creasing as I gave him more of a genuine smile.

"Thank you Officer! Thats very kind of you to offer...I'd like to accept the ride if you're sure you don't mind I just need to get home because my brothers home alone... i need to make him dinner." I said giving a slight bow to express my thanks as I got into the back seat behind the younger officer, we closed our doors in unison, the car shuddered.

The interior was dark, all black material chairs, metal bars were integrated into the car behind the front seat, acting as a divider.
The car doors locked, making me jump as I moved to put on my seat belt my shopping laid beside me in the middle seat.

The older officer started the car, it rumbled to life and began rolling down the street slowly as we began to make idle chatter.

"So what's your name miss?" The older officer asked, glancing at me through the front mirror, the car picked up speed as he pulled away from the side of the road.

"Y/n L/n, I recently moved into the city to start a new Uni and job hence why I got so lost." I chuckled rubbing the nape of my neck feeling a little embarrassed.

"Congratulations on the new job, what do you do?" The younger police officer turned in his seat to look back at me for once he seemed interested.

"Ah I'm a trainee nurse at one of the hospitals." My reply made his eyebrows quirk up, he regarded me for a moment, taking in my appearance.
I hardly looked like a nurse right now, black high heeled ankle boots, fishnet tights and a black mini skirt hardly fit the bill of "nurse" neither did my dark blue silk-vest.
I felt slightly underdressed now, under his scrupulous gaze.

Well I mean... I'm still in vacation mode, not my fault I made an effort to look hot when I went out.

My eyes narrowed slightly when the policeman's gaze lingered on my legs where my skirt didn't cover my lower thigh- Pulling down my miniskirt harshly to hide where his eyes had wondered.

He looked away quickly turning back to face the front, the top of his ear was starting to go red but his face in the reflection of the front mirror was impassive.

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