Chapter 4- Teenagers

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But Not in the creepy way... maybe to some it might have been but with my attraction to the man I felt more like a deer in headlights, entranced by his intense gaze.
My spine tingled.

I swallowed before speaking again keeping my voice level, I wasn't about to let this stranger know the effect he was having on me. I had some self respect.
"You live in quite a quiet area...doesn't that get a little boring? I'd assume a man your age would rent a place closer to the hustle and bustle."

Sangwoo's eyebrows knitted together maybe in surprise.
"It's my parents house. And I quite enjoy the peace and quite to be honest." His face turned serious. Had I hit a nerve?

I tried to lighted the mood.

"Oh so you live with your parents too-" I began cheerfully, he cut me off.
"No- I'm an orphan."

I looked down fiddling with a ring on my finger.
"I'm sorry, me and my big mouth being nosy."

Officer Park gave an awkward cough before feigning a cheerful chuckle.
"Sangwoo had to grow up fast, that's why he's so mature. Guess it helps with the ladies too he's grown into fine young man." He said earnestly, his smile full of pride.

Sangwoo's face flickered with hidden amusement.
"You Flatter me Park-nim." He laughed.

Good, he didn't seem too upset about my prying.

We pulled up to Sangwoo's road, his leg shook faster the closer we drew to his house, he didn't even wait for the car to stop before he opened the door and flung his legs out.

Officer Park slammed on the breaks, shocked at Sangwoo's sudden movements.
"God almighty!" I squealed out as my head almost slammed into Seungbae's headrest.
"Thanks for the ride." Sangwoo threw over his shoulders as he slammed the car door behind him and sprinted past the red gate and archway, to his house, he ran towards the stairs leading to his front porch taking two steps at a time in a hurry.

His slid his thumb over the keypad pumping in the code with quick succession before he  disappeared into his house. The door closing surprisingly quietly. As if he was trying not to make any noise as he entered.

"Someone was eager to get home." I muttered, earning a short huff of amusement for Seungbae.
"Indeed he was." We both shared a suspicious look in the rear view mirror.

Mr Park shook his head smiling.
"That boys been through so much grief it must be nice to have family around him after so long alone."

I felt a pang of sympathy and in my chest for the man.
I shouldn't come up with silly conclusions about strangers. I didn't know his story. But from what Mr Park insinuated I guessed it was sad.


The drive back to my house was quite with occasional chatter between Officer Park and I.
Seungbae stayed silent most of the ride seeming deep in thought. He only spoke to bid me goodbye along with his coworker.

I walked up the three flights of steps to my apartment with quite a struggle, the shopping bags and heels not making my assent any easier.
The long open air hallway graced my cheek with a gentle breeze as I walked towards my apartment door opening it with a sigh.
"Sonny, Omma I'm home." I called out as I took my heels off my aching feet. I clenched my teeth, sucking in a groan of discomfort as I wiggled my toes through the fishnet tights.

My feet dragged towards the kitchen, bags rustling against my knees as I hoisted them onto the dining table noticing the bare counters, no one had bothered to make dinner. Again. Not a single plate out to dry.

How many times do I have to tell that little bastard!

"Sonny!" I shouted angrily. Stamping toward his room, every step was achy, more so with the force I was throwing my feet down with.
I didn't knock, instead throwing the door open.
It hit the inside wall of his room with a bang, the boy didn't flinch and I seethed with the sight of him... my fifteen year old brother busy on his computer playing another shooting game, his headset on, I could hear the music playing through them even from where I stood.

I stomped toward him, snatching his controller off him.
"Hey! I'm in the middle of a game." He reached to grab his controller but I pushed him down in his seat.

"Where's dinner?" I asked, frustration lacing my shaking voice.
"Huh?" He asked confused.

"Did you make dinner or have you been sat on your ass playing stupid video games all day?" I asked my voice raising. "Did you check on Mom!"

"Yeah at mid-day... she was asleep, I was going to wait till she woke up to give her the meds." He spoke defensively.

My eyes watered in anger. "You didn't give her the meds yet?"
"No, I'm going to now."
"Do you know what fucking time it is!?" I chucked his controller across the room onto his bed.

He raced after it.

"I don't know three? I didn't check the time I've been trying to go up a tier in this game,why are you so fucking moody all the time." He grabbed his controller, turning to face me.

"It's seven in the evening. Omma was due her medication at ten this morning and another at five. You haven't fed her or checked on her all day! Are you trying to kill her? You useless prick!" I was seeing red not being able to believe my kid brothers immaturity.

He stood stock still, looking hurt by my outlash.
"I didn't know, Y/n I just saw it was still light outside and assumed it was earlier okay? Can you calm down?"

"Calm down?! I'll just assume these wires don't have anything to do with your stupid computer then huh?" In a fit of rage I yanked at the cords of his computer causing the screen to flicker before going black.

"Y/n What the fuck!" He shouted, pushing me in anger, I stumbled slightly, clenching my fist before pushing him back.

"No! Don't 'what the fuck' me, you had one Job. JUST ONE! Look after mom whilst I was sorting things out for your school, moms Job! and you couldn't even do that." Tears welled in my eyes from both worry and frustration.

"It's not my fault you were out all day, prancing around in that outfit like a whore! I forgot, for God sake, I'm a little disorientated since you made us move to a new city for your stupid university and job!" He retorted sitting back in his chair defiantly.

I wanted to kick him out of it. Send him sprawling. But I held my temper.

I huffed letting the tears fall freely.
"You know I'm doing all of this for us, why can't you just do me a simple favour just once in your life." The shaking of my voice made Sonny look up at me, his eyes flashed in indigence and vexation.
He spat out venom as he spoke.
"You're not doing this for anyone but yourself you selfish bitch, you're just running like a coward from your problems and dragging us along with you."

It stung to hear the way my brother thought of me. my anger faded as I looked at him holding back sobs, I didn't have the energy any more.
I wiped my tears away.
"Whatever Sonny, you know best as always." My voice broke. And I tried and failed to hold back the stuttered breathing that came along with my tears.

His face dropped guiltily as he went to say something. But I turned my back on him, running out and slamming his bedroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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