Chapter 8 Going The Distance

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School felt extra long today, maybe it was because of how awesome tonight was gonna be. I hadn't seen Owen all day today since we both do different subjects on a Wednesday. I do Lit and Theater in the morning while he does Spanish and PE. But today Theater and Literature felt like hours when it was only forty minutes each. The bell finally rang to signal lunch. That's when I met Henry and Izzie and we all decided to go to lunch together. Bubbling with excitement I shared the good news of my date with Owen with the two of them. While Izzie was beyond excited for me, Henry wasn't; he didn't even pretend to be excited for me, instead he proceeded to warn me about Owen and about getting my feelings hurt. I was too excited and probably naive so I just brushed him off and went to class. It was four o'clock which meant football practice was over so I headed to the parking lot to meet him. Owen was standing in his jeep waiting for me to arrive where he said he was taking me to Giovanni's, a popular Italian restaurant in Santa Monica at seven. This is really happening. The new kid scored a date with the most popular guy at school. Over the moon excited I called up Isabelle to go shopping with me for the perfect dress. We headed down to the shopping center and it seems like nothing I try on is good enough for Izzie. We had been to over eight shops and I hadn't found the one that was until I stumbled upon Little Boutique, a small local clothing shop in Santa Monica. On the showcase this beautiful green velvet dress with sparkles that shined through so perfectly, I tried it on and it was perfect. It felt like that dress was made for me and no one else it was just perfect. I then hurried home where I shared the news with my mom, where my mom even helped do my hair and makeup. I can do my hair and face but its always something special when my mom does it. I looked at myself in the mirror and I think I finally fit in here. I looked perfect. My dad dropped me off and beyond excited I headed inside. Tick Tock, Tick Tock. 7 o clock passes no Owen, 8 o clock passes no Owen, 9 o'clock passes no Owen I don't know why I even bothered at this point but I waited until Giovanni closes at ten just hoping that he may just show up so that I wouldn't believe what I'm thinking he actually is. And what do ya know, ten o clock and no show. I was beyond shocked I got stood up, I didn't think Owen was capable of causing me any more humiliation but what do you know he defied odds yet again. I looked like a complete idiot sitting there ordering nothing but water and lemons just praying that he would just walk through that door. But I guess I was wrong. Owen really is too good to be true. I was too embarrassed to call my dad so I decided to walk the six miles home. Half way through my walk miraculously, Henry passes by on his way home from an extremely late swimming practice and sees me walking so he pulls over to see what happened. My facial expression alone was enough for Henry to read what had happened so he opened his door and drove me home. Mid car drive I started sobbing and crying about what had happened and Henry, knowing he was right all along, didn't even bother to rub it in my face. He just sat there listening and comforting me when I cried telling me that "Owen doesn't deserve someone as sweet and as pure as you." Trying my best to calm myself and catch my tears before I exit the vehicle Henry kisses me. LIKE WHATTTT ! He kissed me, why would he do that, shocked and confused. I  didn't even thank him for the ride, I just ran out of the van. Waiting for me home was my mom excited to hear about my date. Too embarrassed and confused to talk, I just replied "It was awesome," before heading to my room.

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