Chapter 15 I'm Just Wondering

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Thursday had come, which meant only one more day until the football game and until my mom got out. I called my dad to find out an update about my mom, but he hadn't pick up. So I got dressed for school and Owen picked me up. We hadn't made our relationship public yet so we went our separate ways when we arrived at school. As I walked through the halls, I didn't really pay attention to anyone, honestly, I was still quite sad about my mom. But trying to get to my locker I met Henry, who is still trying to talk about the other night, but I just pretended there was a wall between us and acted as if he didn't exist and went straight to class. After school Owen waited for me in the parking lot and told me that Darren, one of the footballers, parents are out of town so he's  throwing a party tonight and I should go with him to get my mind off of my mom a little bit. I told him that I'd go to the hospital first and then we'd go to the party. We headed to the hospital where my mom's recovering, she was up when I came, so I got to see and talk to her, she looked great, way better than she did yesterday. Owen found out that she was awake so he didn't come out of the vehicle because it didn't seem like the right time to meet her, so he waited in the parking lot for me. Seeing how my mom looked today and knowing that she'll be out tomorrow it seemed like a good enough reason to celebrate, so I kissed my mom goodbye and Owen and I headed to Darren's party. Now, I've actually never been to a party before, so I don't exactly know what goes down in one but I guess there's a first time for everything. Owen and I arrived and he got caught up with one of his friends, so I left him to hang out with them. Luckily, at the party I met Isabelle, which was quite crazy because I never knew she was the partying type but looking at it now, I just didn't notice because she wears leather jackets and boots and doesn't eat cafeteria food which makes her kind of cool...I think. We sat down and I told her everything that happened in the last twenty four hours, the dinner with Owen and the situation with my mom. I don't think she heard everything because she was pretty wasted by the time I got there, but she still gave me a listening ear and I appreciated that. I left Izzie to grab a drink and while grabbing a sprite, because there was no way I was drinking that punch just incase they tainted it or something, I met Henry, who comes up to me and asks if he could talk to me and honestly I felt like I avoided him long enough, so why not, I mean how bad can this go. We headed outside by the pool since it was quiet there to talk. He seemed somewhat tense and a little nervous but I didn't understand why.

Henry: "Okay so there's something you must know, it's been killing from the beginning and I need you to know."

Catherine: "Okayyyy what's up."

Henry: "I like you, like really, really like you, I've liked you since the first day I saw you in Albuquerque. You just seemed so pure and pretty and I love that. That's why when I saw how upset you were, I thought that by kissing you, you would probably feel the same way about me to...Do you ?

Catherine: "Henry, I am so sorry but I'm currently seeing someone."

Henry: "It's Owen isn't it !"

Catherine: "Excuse me? "

Henry: "I saw the way you look at him."

Catherine: "What ?"

Henry: "Yeah at the audition the other day, after you sang your song, I saw you too. He had all your attention, you couldn't take your eyes off of him for even a second, you didn't even bother to see that I was looking at you at the whole time."

Catherine: "Henry, wait."

Henry: "No, he left you that night on the date and you still went back to him."

Catherine: "Henry that's enough."

Henry: "No, don't you get he's a bad guy, a typical jock? There's no good in him but I'll treat you right and never leave you hours waiting in a restaurant."

Catherine: "Henry, I think we're done here."

As I tried to get up he came and kissed me. "What the hell, Henry," I said before pushing him and  walking away. "Look Cat I'm....," he said. I didn't wait for him to finish, I just walked right out and went to look for Owen to go home. I asked one of the guys if they knew where Owen was and they directed me upstairs so I went up to look for him, it was super crowded up there and Henry for some reason was right behind me. One of the guys at the party said "Check in there," while pointing at the bathroom. "But he's not alone," the jock said. I opened the door to find him in there talking to Veronica. "Cat!" He looked shocked to see me but I didn't bother to say a word. I just walked out and headed outside to leave. And yup there comes Henry

Henry: "You see this is exactly what I mean, don't you get it, Owen would never be able to stick to just one girl, he's the ripped hot quarterback, he can't help himself."

Catherine: "Whatever Henry."

Honestly, everything Henry said was true. I can't believe I thought I actually had a shot with him. After that, Owen ran out the house and tried to flag me down but I just ignored him and continued walking out into the streets.

Owen: " Hey, woah, woah, where are you going?"

Catherine: "Why do you care? Go back and make out with Veronica."

Owen: "Cat, wait slow down, Nothing happened tonight."

I turn around to face him

Catherine: "You really expect me to believe that."

Owen: "Yes, please Cat come on."

Catherine: "Okay, so then what happened tonight between you too."

Owen: "Well I went to her and told her that it's over completely between us because she kept on ringing my phone yesterday asking to get back together with me but I came tonight to let her know we're done for good."

Catherine: " Oh."

Owen: "Cat I will never cheat on you, especially with Veronica, you're the one, I know it."

Catherine: "You sure about that ?"

Owen: "Certain."

I felt like he was being true and I feel like I have to start trusting him and well you gotta start somewhere so why not here tonight.

Owen: "Whatta you say, let's get out of here and go grab some food?"

Catherine: "Yeah let's do that."

I got inside his van and we headed to get some street food.

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