Best Friends?

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The setting is important. Please imagine it before reading further.

I feel like a really good, official author right now... xD

Setting: Both boys are at Vanoss' house, in his room playing video games. Vanoss is sitting on his bed. Del is on the floor, leaning up against the bed. The lightbulbs are all turned off, and the screen is the only thing emmiting light. Vanoss' bed is a little bigger than a twin. The boys are both in pajamas. Del is still wearing his hoodie, but under that is a grey T-shirt, and hes wearing sweatpants. Vanoss is wearing a black tanktop and basketball shorts. (You can tell who gets cold at night xD) The boys are in their late teens, around 17 and 18.

(No. This isn't smut xD
Im not done with that one yet. 0.0)

3rd person~
Evan swore as Delirious blew him up again,"You bitch!"

Delirious forcefully laughed quietly. Evan frowned and looked down at him,"You okay, dude?"

Jon looked up at him hesitantly,"Huh? Oh, yesh. Of course!" He giggled lightly, making Vanoss raise an eyebrow. They went back to their game though, and Evan laughed as he ran his friend over. "Hah! Motherfucker."

Dels character stayed still and Vanoss killed him again. Evan looked back down at Jon and was suprised to see he wasn't even looking at the screen.

Vanoss paused the game and reached over to tap Dels shoulder. When he did, Delirious jerked backwards and hit his back on the bed.

Jon winced, and Evan couldn't help but laugh. "Woah dude."

Del growled at him before setting down his controller. Evan bit his lip, feeling bad as Delirious lightly touched his back. Vanoss slipped off the bed, leaving behind his controller, and slid down next to Jon.

Evan slipped his hand under Dels sweatshirt suddenly, making the other boy freeze. "Is this where it hurts?" Asked Vanoss, running his fingers over the area Del was touching. Jon slightly nodded, and as Evan rested his hand on the place for a couple seconds, Del straightened up. "Your hand is cold," he muttered.

Vanoss slipped his hand back out of the other boys hoodie and blushed lightly,"Sorry."

"It felt good," replied Del quietly, making Evan grin. Vanoss sneaked both hands under his friends hoodie again, and he silently let them roam Delirious' back a little before once again running his fingers over the bruised area. Jon winced again and bit his lip as Evan pushed on it a little. "Ouch..."

Vanoss lifted his friends hoodie up a little so he could see the bruise, and he giggled as Delirious blushed lightly. Jon felt Evans eyes rake his back, and he looked down at his lap. "Its not that bad," Evan finally said. Vanoss traced the bruise without saying anything, and looked at the blue-green color.

Delirious bolted up straight once again after one of Evans hands grazed his side. Vanoss' hand lingered in the air above the spot for a couple seconds before settling down on the skin.

Delirious' breath hitched, and Vanoss curiously looked at him. Evan moved his hand down a little, to his friends hip, and rubbed small circles with his thumb into Delirious' skin.

Evan really didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't want to stop. He figured Delirous agreed when he closed his eyes and mumbled something incoherently.

Evan kept rubbing Jons hip and they both sat on the floor quietly for a moment. "Hey, Vanoss?" Asked Delirious.

Evan hummed in response, still running his fingers lightly over the bruise with his other hand that wasn't rubbing Dels hip. "A-are we best friends?"

Vanoss looked up, and noticed Jon was still staring into his lap. Evan smiled sweetly and let his forehead rest against Dels back,"Yeah. We are."

He felt Del nod before jumping a little when he felt Evan leant up against him.

Evan closed his eyes and let Dels hoodie fall back down, but he kept his hands under it. Vanoss nuzzled his nose into Dels shoulder blade and slipped the thumb that was rubbing Dels skin into the sweatpants waistband.

"You're really pale," mumbled Vanoss into Dels shoulder,"I've never noticed."

Jon looked back at Evan, making some of his hair fall into his eyes,"I don't tan."

Vanoss grinned as a tuft of Delirious' hair tickled his nose,"Good to know."

Delirious bit the inside of his cheek as he looked down at Vanoss,"Evan?"

Vanoss didn't move, but did look up him,"Yeah?"

"Are you sure?" He asked. Vanoss' eyes gave him a quizzical look.

"Are you sure that we're only friends?"

The only thing Del could see were Vanoss' eyes, seeing as the rest of his face was hidden in Jons hoodie.

Evan smiled at him,"I don't know the answer to that one."

Jon seemed satisfied with that and turned forward again. "You're freezing," he muttered. Evan rolled his eyes before moving his free hand to Dels chest. Jon stiffened up and shivered,"You bitch."

Vanoss laughed and hugged Delirious closer to him. Jon hesitated before slowly sitting himself into Evans lap.

Vanoss leaned both of them back and rested on the edge of the bed. Evans eyes widened a little when Delirious started to move. Del curled up and leaned his head against Vanoss' chest. He yawned quietly and Evan smirked as he let his head rest on Delirious' dark floof. There was a comfortable silence that filled the room for a couple minutes. Vanoss was sure Del was asleep, seeing as his breathing was steady and quiet.

But then, just as Evan himself started drifting off, he heard,"We forgot to do our homework."


Oh, and... uh... this is cute.


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