The TMI challenge

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(Ill be putting out a one shot soon, don't worry) 

So... I was nominated  by TheAverageJoe , and he still owes me that french fry. Ill get it one of these days...

1. What are you wearing right now?

Uh, black skinny jeans, an 'Im the real Delirious' t-shirt, white socks and some Vans. Also a Joker & Harley bracelet and some headphones. 

2. Have you ever been in love?

I thought so, but nah. 

3. Have you ever been in a break-up? 

Several, eh.

4. How tall are you?

I don't really know? 5 something.

5. How much do you weigh?

If I knew I would tell you guys. One hundred twenty something? 

6. Any tattoos?

Nah. Maybe later in life tho.

7. Any piercings? 

Definitively later. 

8. OTP's?




-Pretty much anything including Del-



9. Favorite show?

Gotham is good, I watch Sherlock every now and then.

10. Favorite band?

Uhm... I like Walk The Moon a lot at the moment... but I think it'd have to be 21P

11. Something you miss?

My childhood innocence. Also all the money that went to Hot Topic, that too.

 12. Favorite song?

Thats pretty hard actually. Hmm. Off the top of my head- 'Doubt' maybe? 'Vicious love?' Maybe even 'Ghost' or 'Casual affair?'

I like angsty songs lol

13. How old are you? 

*Slides a twenty over to you*

I did not skip this, got it? 

14. Zodiac sign?

My birthday was August 15, so a Leo. ^-^

(Btw those stupid text posts on signs aren't true at all)

15. Quality you look for in a partner?

Oh god, here I go...

Someone who doesn't mind just sitting next to me and leaning against me, someone who knows when I don't want to talk. I want someone who'll be there for me, and who'll know how to make me smile and laugh. I also want someone who'll play games with me and be the most competitive bastard with me, so we yell at each other so loud while playing Mario Kart that the neighbors call the cops thinking we were actually fighting. They've gotta trade Pokemon with me. Also, I want someone who doesn't mind having no kids, who doesn't mind not getting very intimate. 

I could go on forever but-

16. Favorite quote?

Uhhhhhh... I guess-

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