Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Dear Diary,

It's weird to think that in six months, I'll be dead. But I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, right? Just sooner instead of later. I haven't seen my dad in a while, but I know he's too ashamed to come here. He has too much pride to be seen in a hospital with his daughter. That's okay though, I don't expect him to. Mum's the same, except she'll stop in a few times a week. I haven't really spoken much lately, my voice is starting to get rough, it's quite funny actually. Well, I've got to go do.. nothing. Maybe, I'll write again later. Depends.



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Hailey drummed her fingers on the gray table. She sat alone in the cafeteria, she wasn't even supposed to be down here, because no one knew where she was. It's not like she cared though. She's been numb, dazed, dead almost, for the past few days; ever since the doctor told her the 'news'. 

She could feel herself spiralling into depression once again, falling hard and fast. Too fast to even try to catch herself. Hailey hardly talked to anyone, and when she did it was simple, one-two-three worded answers. 

It was like everything around her just stopped and slapped her in the face. Six. Only six months. 

It's not that she was sad about leaving, because she was ready - or so she thought. She was just a little shocked that she didn't as much time as she expected.

Hailey was picking at her fingers, her head bowed, as she thought through the events of this past month. Wow, is all she had to say. She let out a deep sigh, before she heard a voice behind her.

"Hailey! There you are! What are you doing? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You had me all worked up." Riley scolded. 

Riley was afraid something had happened to Hailey, it was clear in the wrinkles on her forehead and the frown on her lips. Out of all the patients she deals with daily, she cares about Hailey the most. Simply because she could see how Hailey was different; stronger, sweeter, and caring. But she could also see the light in Hailey's eyes die down day by day. 

"I'm sorry," Hailey mumbled, not even bothering to look up.

"Well, it's okay. Just don't do it again. There's someone here to see you," Riley's voice rose at the end, trying to cheer up the sad girl who refused to acknowledge anyone in the room.


"Hi Hailey, it's nice to see you again." A husky voice spoke, as the chair next to her creaked under the sudden weight.

Hailey's head snapped to the side, completely shocked at her 'guest'. 

"Harry?" She breathed out, staring at him in disbelief.

"Hello love, how are you?" He looked up to Riley and nodded, and she took the hint. Riley slowly crept out of the cafeteria and down the long hallway.

"I-I'm fine." Hailey stuttered, her cheeks tinting pink instantly.

"I can tell you're not really 'fine' Hailey, do you want to talk about it? People say I'm a good listener." Harry flashed his world-famous smile, his dimples setting deep into his cheeks.

"I'd rather not talk about it.. Sorry. Can we go back to my room, please? People are staring." She muttered. Hailey ducked her head in attempt to hide from the two girls gawking at her from across the cafeteria.

Harry chuckled, and grabbed her hand, tugging her along.

The both sat down on the bed, the same position as twice before. Harry could see the dull look in her eyes and it was clear to him that she'd gotten worse since the last time he'd been here.

"So, anything you want to talk about?" He asked, bending slightly to look her in the eyes.

"Not really, why don't you just talk and I'll do the listening?" She sent him a small smile, but it was a smile nonetheless. Hailey didn't want to tell him about the expiration date. Afraid he might see her differently, or pity her.

Harry nodded and began telling her all about his busy week. About the late night studio sessions, the sleepless nights, and the obnoxious people he had to deal with. It might seem like he was complaining to anyone else, but she liked to hear about things outside of these hospital walls. Liked to know that someone trusted her with how they were feeling.

"I'm sorry Harry, you guys shouldn't have to put up with that, especially not at your age." She frowned at him, she didn't know they worked those teenage boys so hard. To the point where they didn't sleep and were nagged constantly for things they never even did - now that's just wrong.

"Don't worry about it, techincally I signed up for it. I love what I do though, it's what I've always dreamed of." Harry smiled warmly.

"You know, you boys have more of an impact on people's lives than you think." Hailey smiled at him adoringly. She was slightly hinting at herself, because those boys had helped her through a rough time in her life, and continue to do so.

"Really? Tell me more." Harry smirked at her playfully. Although, he was very serious on the inside. He felt as though she was one of those people - and maybe that was why she used her wish on him and his friends. Maybe she'll finally open up to him, at least a little bit.

"Well, you make people happy when nothing else can, and you make girls feel special and loved, even when no one else around them makes them feel that way. And all you have to do is be yourself, because that's why people like you. They like your easy-going personalities." Hailey's face was now bright red, feeling as though she was pouring out her feelings, even though she never once said that's how she felt.

But Harry already knew.

"And are you one of those people, Hailey?"

"I don't know. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. That's up to you to decide." She smiled brightly at him.

Harry felt a fire ignite within him. It was clear that she was one of those people. And what she had to say, made him love what he does even more. He makes her - and other girls - happy, just by being himself. That's why he put up with the press and the horrible rumors, because he knew his fans didn't believe those lies. They loved him for him.

The pair spent the rest of the night chatting and sharing likes and dislikes, debating on the things they didn't agree on. But they didn't argue, they just listened to what the other had to say and tried to understand why they felt that way. 

Once again, Hailey had completely forgotten what was tearing her up on the inside. Harry was special, in that he always knew what to say and how to say it.

Before she knew it, she drifted off laying next to Harry on the stiff bed. And the next morning she woke up to a note on the bedside table.

Hailey --

I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, but I didn't want to wake you up. I had a great time with you. Hopefully I can stop by again soon. Hope you feel well and have a good day .xx 

-Harry :)  

P.S.~ Do you know you talk in your sleep? It was adorable actually, even though I couldn't understand what you were saying... 

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A/N:  Thanks so much for reading, and I'm sorry for not updating sooner; I won't even give you any excuses. I hope you liked it (: Please VOTE AND COMMENT!? I'd love to hear what you think.



Her Last Wish [Harry Styles] ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora