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Her Final Wish - Prologue

Dear Diary,

Today, I found out my cancer is back. I'm not really surprised, I was expecting it. I'm just scared. I don't think I'll make it through this time. My parents don't have a lot of faith anymore either. I don't blame them, everything's been hard on them, and just when things were getting back to normal, this shows up. I feel bad, like it's all my fault. I know I shouldn't think like that, but if I didn't have cancer, their lives would be easier. 

The only good thing about this is my parents are enrolling me in the Make A Wish Foundation. That means I get to pick one thing and they will do everything possible to make that wish come true before I go. I don't know what to wish for. Should I be selfish and wish for myself? or should I wish for something for my parents? 

I think I'll just make a list and narrow it down from there.

1. Take a trip to the beach. I've always wanted to see the ocean.

2. A new house for my parents.

3. Tickets to a concert.

4. A vacation outside the country.

Well, I just showed my mum the list and she said numbers 1 - 4 won't work out. One and four, because by the time I get to fulfill my wish, I won't be in a condition to travel. Two, because I'm supposed to use the wish on myself. Three, because concerts are full of people and same with one and four, I can't travel much. This puts me back at square one. 

I guess, I'll think about it some more and get back to you.



Hailey set the pen down on her desk and made her way down the stairs. Not long until she'll be living in the hospital again. 

When she was fourteen, she stayed there for six months until they 'got rid of the cancer'. Apparently, it wasn't successful. 

She lived with just her parents, a perfect little family. Just enough money, a nice house and they all got along. Hailey was always a good student. She was sweet and quiet, so what did she do to deserve cancer? She had no idea, but she dwelled on it every day.

There's nothing she can do now, she just has to stay strong for her parents. Not let them know she's scared, and maybe they won't be as bad as they were before. They'll be fine without her, right? Everything will be okay, maybe she can get through it again. Maybe.


Yes, I am starting another fanfic. I was sitting at dinner and all of a sudden I got a brilliant idea for a story, so here I am. Writing that story. Well, kind of. I'm not going to be working on it until December. If you want to make me a cover that would be cool as well (: Just message it to me? 

And, I am going to attempt to write this in third person, my first time but I guess I can try right? 

So, let me know what you think of it so far (:


Her Last Wish [Harry Styles] ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora