Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Dear Diary,

I figured out my wish, and my mom agreed to it. Shocking? I know.

She called the Make A Wish Foundation a few days ago and they said they would get in touch with One Direction's management.

I doubt that they'll be able to come. They are mega famous and it's not like they would want to spend a day with me - a sick teenage fangirl. But I've still got my fingers crossed.

This past week has been quite weird actually, I haven't met anyone my age, but Riley, my nurse, is very sweet to me.

I'll let you know how things work out.




"Hurry up mate, we've got to get going. We have a meeting in twenty minutes!" Liam shouted from outside the bathroom.

Harry ran his fingers through his curls once more before stepping out of the room and following the lads to the car.

"Does anyone know what this is about?" Louis asked from the front seat.

They all mumbled 'no's in response and continued on their way to the meeting.

"Hello boys, it's great to see you. We have a couple things to discuss. Have a seat please," Amanda, a member of the management team, greeted them.

The boys took their seats and stared at her patiently.

I have no idea why we had to come here, but it better be good; today was my day off. Harry thought to himself.

"We have been contacted by the Make A Wish Foundation and there is a girl who wished to meet One Direction. Now, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, but it would make this girl very happy. It's up to you." She watched as they processed the request.

'It couldn't be that bad, just one girl for a few hours. As long as she isn't squealing or anything.' Harry said to himself.

The boys glanced at each other before Liam blurted out, "When and where?"

"Whenever you are free, which by the looks of your schedule is next Tuesday and Friday. She is in a hospital in London, not too far from here actually."

They all thought about it for a few minutes.

"I'm in," Niall shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll do it. I love meeting fans." Liam smiled.

"I'm up for it." Zayn looked at the remaining two.

"I'd love to make this girl happy." Louis grinned mischieviously.

"Of course I'll do it." Harry agreed as well.

Looks like it's all settled then.


Hailey walked down the nearly empty corridor, her stomach rumbling. She needed something to eat and didn't want to wait until five o'clock for her mother to come. 

So instead, she walked to the cafeteria alone.

But it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, she used to do it all the time. Her parents were always too busy and after Mikayla passed, she did everything alone.

She turned to writing. She writes in her diary every single day, whether it's about what's going on or how she is feeling. Anything. Because it's the one thing that won't leave her when she is in need.

Hailey took a bite out of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she was eating. There were only two other people in the cafeteria right now. And they wouldn't even glance in her direction. She felt so.. looked down upon.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Her mother's familiar voice rang through her ears. Breaking the painful silence surrounding her.

"I'm fine, how was work?" She looked up from her food as Laura sat across from her.

"It was alright, but I have a surprise for you." She singsonged.

Hailey raised her eyebrows in curiosity and nodded her head, signalling for her mother to continue.

"I got a call, from a certain boyband's management and they agreed and are very excited to come and see you!" Both girls smiled so wide, you could just feel the happiness beaming from them both.

"Really? When?" Hailey's eyes were bulging and she suddenly wasn't hungry anymore, she just wanted time to pass so she could meet them.

"Next friday, they are coming around noon and will leave later that evening. I won't be here when they get here, but I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself no matter what."

"Of course, wow, thank you so much mum. It means a lot to me." She kissed her mother on the cheek as they both stood from the table to head back to room 209.

"Can I please go home for the night, I don't have anything planned for tomorrow and I miss my bed. Please?" Hailey begged her mum. Laura let out a long sigh, debating on if she would allow it.

"I don't know sweety,"

"But mum, it's not even bad yet. Just let me go home while I'm still well enough to do so. And plus I haven't seen dad in almost three days. Please?"

"I'll talk to Riley and see if it's okay with her, alright?"

"Thank you." She smiled sweetly as the older woman exited the room.

Moments later her mother entered the room again, "Grab what you need, you can come home with me tonight." 

Hailey took a deep breath when she stepped through the front door, it felt good to be home. Warmth spread throughout her body just from the sweet familiar scent.

"Hailey, how are you feeling today?" Her father asked as he hugged her tightly.

"I'm quite well today, mum had some good news for me. Did you tell him?" She turned to Laura, who shook her head.

"The Make A Wish Foundation got everything worked out, I'm going to meet my favorite band next week. Isn't that great?" She gleamed with excitement.

"That's awesome, but I think it's time for bed, it's been a long day." 

She made her way upstairs and collapsed onto her plush bed. She didn't care that her family had been babying her lately. She just cherished the time she had with them. After all, time was limited.


A/N: Thank you for reading. Let me know what you think. More comments & Votes means quicker updates. Whichever story is getting more (any) feedback is most likely going to be updated first. I love you all! 


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