3. Telling JJ pt.2

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Sunday, July 10th, 2022


Brooke just told me that she's pregnant, shit she's pregnant. God I can't have a baby, I'd be just like my dad I can't I'm only 16. I bearly have enough money for me let alone a fucking baby.

"FUCK" I scream

I ran to the chateau and want to my room slamming the door.

"Hey wow what's your problem!" John B says yelling at me

"Fuck off!" I yell at him

Brooke's pov

As I'm in my bed crying about JJ walking out I get a phone call from John B.

On the phone

"John B what do you want" I say angrily

"God sorry I was just calling to ask what you did to JJ" He says caught of guard

"I didn't do anything. Why are you even asking" I say annoyed

"Because he's in his room throwing, breaking shit and he's crying. And he also just came from your house, so what happened" he says

"I told him....that I'm pregnant then he freaked out and left. I don't know why he's the one crying." I say

"Wait your pregnant" he says confused

"Yeah" I say quietly

"Look just come over and talk to him because I know he didn't mean to walk out like that, he's just....scared" he says

"You don't think that I'm scared!" I yell

"No I know your scared to but if you just talk to him, then you'd understand why he walked out the way he did." He say

"Ok I'm on my way" I say giving in

"Alright thank you. Bye" he says

"Bye" I say

10 minutes later

Brooke's pov

Ok here we go you got this. You just need to talk to him.

Knock Knock

"Why are you knocking. You know you don't have to" John B says

"Yeah I know" I say

"He's back there I haven't heard anything for a little while. I tried talking to him, nothing" he says worried

"Ok, JJ it's me can we talk about the baby please. John B says that I need to understand. What do I need to understand Jay" I say

"Just go away!" He yells

"I'm not going anyway not until you talk to me" I say

Then I hear the door unlock. Him telling me I can come in.

"Hey can you talk to me please" I say sitting next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry I walked out I don't know what I was doing I don't wanna break up I wanna have the baby with you I'm sorry I'm just scared and..." He say breaking down and rambling.

"J hey it's ok, God take a breather. I know you're scared about the baby because I am to. Ok I get it were young, but if you wanna have the baby and you don't wanna break up, then you can't run. You need to try ok." I say interrupting him

"It's not just the baby I'm scared of or that we're young.... I'm scared of myself" he says crying

"What do you mean your scared of yourself?" I ask

"I'm scared that I'm gonna be just like my dad and hurt the baby. Then there hate me and if it's a boy he'd just be another me and then his kids will hate him...." he says rambling again

"JJ shut up your nothing like your dad. You would be a amazing dad to this baby because you know how not to be. This baby would love you so much Jay. All you need to do is try ok" I say hugging and interrupting him

"Yeah ok I wanna try, I can't loss you" he says hugging me

"I love you JJ" I say

"I love you to baby. Holy shit we're having a baby like there's literally a baby in your stomach." He says putting his hands on my stomach

"Yeah we're having a baby" I say laughing at him

"God I love you" he says kissing me

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