(D.H.) Jealousy

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     This week hasn't exactly been the best of weeks for (Y/n). So having to go to school, wasn't exactly making her feel any less irritable. As she pushes the doors of the high school open, she already feels anger pulsating through her body. The girl furiously walks down to Ms. Blake's class already done with the day and sits in her seat.

"What's up with you?" Her best friend since third grade, Stiles Stilinski asks her.

"Nothing." The girl grumbles.

"(Y/n) I'm not dumb. I've known you for like ever. I can tell when your mad."

"Stiles it's nothing, just drop it." She says trying not to snap at the boy.

"Come on," the boy groans, "just talk to me."

"I said dro-"

"Ms. (Y/l/n), Mr. Stilinski! Care to share what your talking about with the class? Obviously it's super important if you can interrupt my lecture for it." Ms. Blake says, trying to embarrass the two.

Stiles tries to speak up, and apologize to avoid further embarrassment but (Y/n) cuts him off.

"Oh, we were just talking about how much of a charity case you are." (Y/n) says smugly. Knowing full well it'll get under her skin.

"Excuse me?" The woman asks shocked.

"You heard me. And I'm not gonna divulge what I mean by that with the class, because you and I both know what I mean by it."

"Then maybe you'll be more open to divulging the information to me in after school detention for the next two weeks." Ms. Blake says to the girl.

The woman turns back to the white board and continues her lesson, while (Y/n) just stares holes into the back of her head.

The girls other best friend, Scott McCall looks at her confused. "Psst, (Y/n)." the boy whispers from the desk behind her.

"What?" She asks him not turning around.

"What the hell was that all about?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired of her."

"Really? That's all?" The boy looks at her skeptically. "Because you have a very strong scent of jealousy radiating off of you."

The girl snaps her head backwards to look at the boy. "This has nothing to do with you McCall." The girl says oddly calm. "So I suggest you butt out before I rip out your vocal chords and use them as guitar strings. Kay?"

Scott's eyes widen and he nods his head. (Y/n) turns back around and Stiles looks at Scott somehow signaling that they would figure it out later.

The school day goes on, and (Y/n) has just gotten more irritable every class that passes. So once the final bell of the day rang she sighed in relief. Only to remember she has after school detention with the woman she hated the most. Groaning in annoyance (Y/n) picks up her stuff and heads to Ms. Blake's classroom. She knocks on the door only to see the woman packing up the papers on her desk.

The woman looks over at (Y/n) and signals her to come in. "Ms. (Y/L/N), I hope the rest of your day went well."

The younger girl rolls her eyes and just nods at the woman's statement.

"Well, Mr. Harris should be here soon to sit with you during your detention so until then wait here please."

(Y/n) glares at the woman. "What? Didn't you give me the detention?"

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