(P.H) Try Me

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     Derek could not have picked a more inconvenient day to train. The sun is beating down on the werewolves as they try to take down the alpha. There's no sign of a breeze anywhere and it's not very likely for Derek to give them a break. Not to mention, the amount of homework (Y/n) has is enormous.

"It's hotter than balls out here." (Y/n) says, exhausted.

"We've been training for hours. Don't you think we can take a break." Issac gets up from where he was thrown across the front yard.

Derek looks at his betas annoyed, "You really think when you get attacked your opponent is going to care if it's hot? Or if you need water? No. So suck it up and keep training."

(Y/n) turns to go inside, done with the Alpha's unfair treatment but Derek grabs her wrist. She whips her wrist in Derek's face, knocking him back a couple steps. She turns around and kicks him in the stomach. He falls back and rolls over into a standing position. He charges at the girl but she uses his momentum against him, she grabs his wrist flipping him over onto the ground.

"I need a break." She looks down menacingly.

(Y/n) let's him go and walks inside.

"Damn." She hears Issac whisper.

She chuckles to herself and goes into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She props herself on the counter and takes a generous drink of her water.

"That was kinda over the top don't ya think?" A low voice says, disturbing her peace.

"No Peter, I don't."

He smirks at the girls attitude, "Don't want to embarrass my dear nephew too much."

"Well if your dear nephew learned personal boundaries, I wouldn't have to embarrass him in the first place."

He chuckles, "I love it when your feisty."

He comes up to the younger girl, putting his arms on either side of her, boxing her in her place on the counter.

"Remember when we talked about personal space?" She leans away from the older man.

"Yes, but you make it very hard to stay away." He looks her up and down. "Even in sweat pants you still manage to be the sexiest one in the room."

Smirking at the man's words, "Wow, that's a compliment considering it's only the two of us. I never thought I'd live to see the day you thought someone was more attractive than you."

"I don't. But I gotta impress you somehow don't I?" He looks at her teasingly.

(Y/n) cocks one eyebrow, "We all know I'm more attractive than you old man." She hops off the counter, pushing him out of the way.

"Old man? Really?" He follows her, offended by her words.

She turns around and simply nods her head with a shit-eating smirk on her face. As the girl turns back around Peter grabs her wrists and pins them above her head as he pushes her against the wall. (Y/n) looks at him with her beautiful (e/c) eyes, and he can't help but want her.

(Y/n) caught in the man's grip can't help but writhe under his stare. She feels her stomach fill up with butterflies as he leans down to whisper in her ear.

"Are you sure you think you're more attractive than me? Because your heartbeat suggests otherwise."

Not wanting to give Peter what he wants, (Y/n) sassily replies, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Looks like we'll never know."

He moves a piece of hair out of her face, admiring her features. He looks at her almost lovingly, until he puts his hand around her throat. "I could always force it out of you."

The girl's eyes widen in shock but she soon settles into this new necklace and she smiles at him, "Try me."

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