(R.M.) Rocky

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Ever since (Y/N) has known Regina Mills, things have been rocky between the two. Whether it was petty arguments or full on brawls, the two never seemed to get along. While the two can set aside their differences every once and a while for the greater good, it doesn't happen very often.

With (Y/N) being the daughter of The Dark One, she was born with the same stubborn attitude as her father and brother. Regina managed to frustrate (Y/N) more than anyone she's ever met, and she's never been able to figure out why.

And now it's even more complicated with a whole missing year of their lives. The last thing anyone remembers is saying goodbye to Henry and Emma at the town line as Regina stopped Pan's curse. Ever since they've been back, somethings been off. Something with her and Regina has shifted, or maybe it's just always been there.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes as she watches Regina walk towards her. The (h/c) haired woman groans as she puts her keys to her apartment back in her pocket, knowing Regina's going to keep her out there all night.

"Miss (L/N), can I speak with you for a moment?" Regina asks rather forced.

"Why of course your majesty." (Y/N) sarcastically says. "What can I do for you?"

"Lose the attitude for starters." Regina snaps slightly. "I need you to do me a favor."

"And what might that be?" (Y/N) crosses her arms.

"I need you to watch Henry for me while I investigate an abandoned farmhouse."

"Well that doesn't sound ominous at all." (Y/N) scoffs.

Regina rolls her eyes, "Will you do it or not?"

"Why isn't Emma watching him?"

"She's out with the pirate and David. They're looking for the Wicked Witch as we speak." Regina explains. "And I need someone to watch Henry while I assist."

"No." (Y/N) deadpans.

"Excuse me?" Regina raises an eyebrow.

"I won't watch Henry." (Y/N) shrugs.

"And why not?"

"Because I'm coming with you." The smug woman smiles.

Regina's mouth opens and closes repeatedly before she shakes her head, "Absolutely not."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice your majesty." (Y/N) steps forward. "The Wicked Witch doesn't seem like the type to be messed with. It would be wise if you had backup no?"

Before Regina can even respond, (Y/N) is already brushing past her. "Let's go Lady Mills. We don't have all day."

Regina grumbles minor profanities under her breath as she follows after the woman in front of her. The two women magically poof themselves in front of the woods.

Regina looks back at (Y/N), "Think you can handle it if I take the lead on this one?" She tilts her head condescendingly.

"Oh I only wish you would." (Y/N) snarks back.

Regina clenches her fist slightly, finding the woman in front of her absolutely infuriating. It truly is amusing from an outsiders perspective when watching the two of them interact. Emma and Mary Margaret tend to tease (Y/N) when it comes to Regina. Even before the original curse broke, the two always had a love-hate relationship. Henry's words, not hers.

"Well this isn't terrifying at all." (Y/N) scoffs as she analyzes the abandoned farmhouse in front of them.

Regina smirks, "Scared?"

(Y/N) fights the urge to roll her eyes. "Hardly."

"Then walk." Regina instructs.

(Y/N) salutes, "Sir yes sir."

"You're an absolute child." Regina says with less harshness in her tone than (Y/N) is used to.

(Y/N) runs her fingers along the side of the house, grimacing at the paint rubbing off on her fingers. "This place could use a paint job."

"Oh so now you're a designer?" Regina teases.

"Absolutely, and I would love to redo that office of yours." (Y/N) turns around with smugness on her face. "Could use a bit of a touch-up. The black and white is getting kind of old no?"

Regina narrows her eyes at (Y/N), "You will not touch my office."

(Y/N) puts her hands up in defense as her eyes flicker to Regina's lips. "So sorry Madame Mayor, I didn't mean to anger you."

"You anger me when you breath (L/N). It's nothing new." The raven haired woman breathes out as she walks past (Y/N).

"Ouch." (Y/N) says with fake hurt in her voice.

Regina walks off of the porch and into the field. The wind blows through her beautiful black hair, making (Y/N) lean against the house next to her. She admires the woman who is observing their surroundings. (Y/N) has to admit, Regina is a very attractive woman. Beautiful eyes, full lips, legs that just won't quit. She's powerful and ambitious, the perfect package.

"(L/N)!" Regina yells.

(Y/N) snaps out of her thoughts as she sees Regina staring directly at her. "Are you coming?"

"Uh yeah." (Y/N) nods. "Yeah."

(Y/N) meets Regina in the middle of the field. The two turn around, getting a good view of the farm around them. "It doesn't seem like anything's here."

"Fantastic deduction Sherlock." Regina quips. "Would you like a gold star for that one?"

"Actually yes I would." (Y/N) sassily responds. "Helps inflate my ego."

"I'm sure your ego doesn't need much help to become inflated. You're naturally full of yourself." The queen turns to face the (e/c) eyed woman.

"It's called confidence Gina. Maybe you should try it." (Y/N) shrugs, stepping closer to the woman.

"Don't call me Gina." The black haired woman glares down at the shorter girl in front of her. Getting a little too close to her personal bubble.

"What are you gonna do about it?" (Y/N) challenges.

The two women always engage in small fights like this. Normally, the way they tell who won is by waiting for the other to back off. It's like playing chicken. They push each others buttons and invade one another's personal space until the other retreats.

Regina feels her heart begin to beat rapidly as she feels (Y/N)'s breath fanning her face. It's an odd change from the usual anger that bubbles inside of her even at the mention of (Y/N)'s name. She almost feels giddy seeing the (h/c) woman get so worked up.

Regina places her finger under (Y/N)'s chin, forcing the woman to keep eye contact. "Don't test me."

(Y/N) swallows harshly, her palms becoming slightly sweaty as Regina's hand makes contact with her. This is the off feeling (Y/N) has been getting since they've been back from the Enchanted Forest. Instead of finding Regina annoying and insufferable, she's too busy staring at her figure, or listening to her voice. It's crazy.

"Are you... nervous?" Regina smiles triumphantly.

(Y/N) scoffs, "No. I have no reason to be."

Regina nods, not believing her. She pulls (Y/N)'s face closer to hers, "How about now?"

(Y/N)'s eyes immediately fall to Regina's lips. She has the urge to lean forward and connect them to hers. It's not the first time she's had this intrusive thought, but every other time she has been able to stop it. This time, she doesn't know if she can.

Regina furrows her eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what (Y/N) is thinking. "What are you-"

(Y/N) cuts her off by swiftly planting her lips onto Regina's. While she was expecting a curt slap from the queen, she's pleasantly surprised by Regina kissing her back. (Y/N) places her hands on the side of Regina's face, pulling her closer if that was possible.

As they kiss, something just clicks. They don't know why, but it feels right, almost like it's happened before. Who knows, maybe during that missing year a relationship blossomed out of these two rocky sorceresses.

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