(D.N.) Your Secret

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     "David, this has got to stop." (Y/N) tells the man in front of her strictly.

David Nolan. The one person (Y/N) did not want to see. The two have a complicated relationship. She was the one who saved him and brought him out of his coma. (Y/N) was warned multiple times by Mary Margaret and Emma to steer clear of the man, but she just couldn't.

Eventually, that caught up to her. The sneaking around, going behind Kathryn's back. Until one day David decided to leave Kathryn. He had asked (Y/N) to meet at their secret spot which was under an old willow tree that frequently had fireflies dancing around it.

That evening she was encouraged to go and meet him. Emma had told her he took the step to show he wanted her, and she should embrace it. So she did. She waited for about an hour before David came with a sorrowful expression on his face.

At that moment, (Y/N) didn't even need to hear his explanation. Simply by the look in his eyes, she knew. She knew he remembered and that he was going back to Kathryn .

So, naturally, she distanced herself from the man. Even though it pained her everyday to be away from him, she had to do it. But somehow, David always seemed to slip back into her life. Whether that was coming to Granny's the same time she was there, showing up at her place of work, and even stopping by her apartment at ungodly hours like he was right now.

"Why?" The man asks, running his hand through his already disheveled hair.

"You have a wife." She responds with a slight scoff.

"(Y/N), I want to be with you." David looks at her with desperation deep within his eyes.

"No, you don't." She counters. "You want to be with Kathryn. You made that plenty clear the moment you remembered your life with her."

"You don't understand." He tells her, clinging onto her hands. "It's like I have all of these memories and feeling for Kathryn, but real and current feelings for you."

"You can't have both." She states coldly, taking her hands back.

"But I do have both." He responds softly. "I can't change how I feel about you (Y/N). The harder I try, the more I think about you."

"Why?" She asks rather loudly. Her frustration growing by the second. "I don't understand. You chose her, David! You can't just come to me whenever you're feeling unsure. I am not interested in ruining a marriage. And I am definitely not interested I'm having a conversation with you."

"Then why did you open the door?"

"Excuse me?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I know you checked who was outside before you opened the door." He challenges, "So why would you open it if you didn't want to talk to me?"

(Y/N) stares at him in shock for a moment, completely silent. She swallows thickly before putting up her walls. "You need to go. Now."

"No." David denies. "I'm not leaving until you can truly look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me."

"David, leave." (Y/N) commands. "Go back home to your wife."

"Tell me." He demands. "Do you love me, yes or no?"

"David, you went back to Kathryn! I don't owe you an explanation, answer or anything for that matter."

"(Y/N), please." He begs. "If you tell me you don't love me, I'll leave. I will never speak to you again. But if you do, I know that we can get through these hard times. I want to try, for us." He says the last part softly, once again taking her hands in his.

"These aren't just hard times." She shakes her head with tears clouding behind her eyes. "We can't be together. Not while you still hold a torch for Kathryn." (Y/N) sniffles sadly, "I don't want to be some secret."

David's heart breaks as salty tears cascade down her beautiful face. He caused her this pain. All he wants is to be with her, but it's almost as if he has two conflicting lives in his head. He knows deep down that his feelings for her are wrong, but they are so real.

"(Y/N), I can't stay away from you." He breathes out. "Every day I wake up, you consume my thoughts. Everywhere I go something reminds me of you." He smiles softly and cups the side of her face. "Whether it's the smell of rain that wafts into the house or the sight of chocolate chip pancakes when I walk into Granny's. My heart feels complete when I'm with you."

"Then why did you choose her?" She whispers, scared of her voice breaking if she became to loud.

"It seemed like the honorable thing to do at the time." David answers honestly. "But I don't care about being honorable anymore. All I care about is you."

"But what does that mean, David?" (Y/N) queries. "Because you can say all of this romantic stuff and make me feel special, but at the end of this conversation you're still going back home to her."

David slyly takes a step forward which in turn pushes (Y/N) further back into the apartment. With his hand still resting comfortably on her face, he smoothly closes the door with his foot.

"I don't have to." He whispers quietly, not breaking eye contact.

(Y/N) feels her heart flutter at the scratchiness of his voice. A small heat rushes up to her cheeks and David smiles at the sight. "See? You can't tell me us being together doesn't feel right."

"But it's wrong." (Y/N) breathes out, not bothering to change their proximity.

"Not if I tell her."

(Y/N) furrows her eyebrows, "What?"

"If I tell Kathryn that I want to be with you, will you have me?" He looks at her with hope embedded in his eyes.

(Y/N) sighs, "David-"

"Please." He begs. "Just tell me. I want more than anything to be with you. If you'll have me, I'm ready. I'm ready to tell Kathryn."

(Y/N) scans over the mans face, looking for any sort of hesitation or sign of lying, but she finds none. His words are true. She gazed into his beautiful blue eyes and gives him a small nod.


A small smile creeps onto David's face, "Okay?"

"But you have to promise to tell her tonight."
(Y/N) says strictly. "I'm not going to be your secret again."

"I promise. I swear I will tell her."

"Good." (Y/N) smiles.

David, not able to contain his happiness, reaches forward and picks (Y/N) up by her waist and spins her in the air. He laughs joyously before setting her down on the hardwood floor of her apartment. He finds him self encased in her eyes and doesn't hesitate to lean down and capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

(Y/N) let's out a small gasp but nonetheless melts into David's arms. The kiss continues at a slow pace for a moment before it progressively begins to become more heated. David grand (Y/N) by the waist and pulls her closer to him. She doesn't waste any time before her hands shoot up into his hair, tugging at the short pieces.

His tongue lovingly glides over her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and she happily lets him in. The two's tongues dance for dominance before David ultimately wins. He begins to back them over to her bed which is in the corner of the apartment.

The couple crashes onto the bed, David on top of the beautiful woman beneath him. (Y/N) pulls back for a second and giggles at the heavy breaths emitting from David.

"On second thought, maybe you can tell her tomorrow." She smirks.

"Yeah, probably for the best." He replies quickly before swiftly leaning down again.

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