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"You need a ride home?" Niall asked as we stepped out of the restaurant

"Uh.. No. No, that's fine. I think I'll take the bus" I shook my head

He sighed and nodded

"Call me if anything happens, okay? Or just call me. Anytime."

I smiled and threw my arm around his neck. He hugged me gently and kissed the side of my head

"love you, blanket hog" I jokingly told him

"Oh, I'M the blanket hog?!" he countered and I laughed, "love you too though"

I waved to him as he got in his car.. then I realized Harry was still there. And Zayn

"Which one are you dating again?" Zayn asked, confused

"I'm single, Zayn.. and Niall's just my best friend." I told him

He nodded and looked at Harry

"Ask her to be your girlfriend or I'm gonna. She's right fit, mate"

I laughed and Zayn winked at me- jokingly, of course

"I'm outta here. See ya round, losers!" Zayn called to us as he got in an Uber

"So.." Harry started but I stopped him

"Don't ask me to be your girlfriend" I sighed


"I mean it, Harry.. I.. I care about you and everything, but.. I don't know.. if I'm ready"

"S-seven years and you're not ready?" he asked slowly

"Two years spent crying over you. Three were spent trying to get over you. These last two were focused on forgetting you" I told him, "but here you are.. and I just want one thing"

"What is it?" he asked quietly

"For you to kiss me and make me forget all this fucking drama"

He stepped forward, cupped my face in his hands, and kissed me. Nothing compares to those lips.. the feeling- the perfect tingle that rushes through my body, and the firework explosions around us, the butterflies, the racing heartbeat... 

We moved our lips together perfectly. My hand was on his side and I hummed against his tongue as it greeted mine for what felt like the first time

"Missed you" I whimpered into his mouth

"Missed you mo-more" he spoke as he licked at my lips, making me want him more

Eventually, I pulled back and opened my eyes. He pushed his forehead against mine and kept his eyes shut

I slowly put one hand on his cheek and sighed

"Don't go.. I.. I've got you now and I.. I can't let you go again"

The innocence, the sincerity, and the softness in his voice tugged at my heart... and I gave in

"I won't. I promise, I won't go. Let's go back to my flat.."

Accidents Happen ~ H.SWhere stories live. Discover now