Royal AU (Fluff)

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Edgar sat on his throne, resting his chin on his hand. He was bored out of his mind and had nothing to do. This week was the most boring one he's had, no criminals, no thieves, nothing at all. The guards came by every so often but that was it. He groaned loudly and stomped his foot.

"There's nothing to do! Entertain me!" he demanded, leaning back against his throne and crossing his arms snootily.

"The jester isn't available right now." one guard stated.

Edgar glared at him with wide eyes.

"Your highness..."

"And why is that?"

"Don't you remember having him locked up because his entertainment didn't please you...?"

"Of course I don't, that's incorrect. Send him in here."

He bit his nails, waiting impatiently. Soon, the guard returned with the jester, who was looking very grumpy.

"Don't look at me like that, you fool! Entertain me!"

The jester began his performance, completely uninterested. Edgar was getting highly frustrated and he stood up, pointing at him.

"A peasant could do better! Try harder!"

He sat down and eventually the entertainment improved, according to him. Mike wasn't having too much fun, but he didn't want to be locked up again. Once he was done, Edgar clapped, seeming amused.

"An incredible performance! Now, be off."

Mike mumbled curses under his breath and Edgar gave him a death glare, shooing him away. He slumped back again and let out a long sigh, bored yet again.

"Why is today so boring?" he grunted.

"We're sorry..." the guards muttered.

"You." Edgar called out, pointing at one of them, wiggling his finger for him to walk forwards. "Naib come here."

He approached him and looked around nervously. Edgar crossed his legs and pouted.


"Y-yes your highness..."

"You, Norton and Luchino. I want you to patrol around the village and see if anybody's up to something. You better come back with something interesting. Now be off." he shooed them away.

A couple of hours passed and the guards returned with a woman, restraining her arms as they brought her towards the prince. They dropped her to the ground, forcing her to kneel with her hands behind her back. She was in tears and her cane was laid out on the floor. Edgar stared at them and furrowed his eyebrows, standing up.

"Now what could this woman have done?"

"We caught her stealing." Luchino announced.

Edgar glanced down at her with empathy.

"What exactly did she steal?"

The guards could tell that he was getting mad.

"Stealing from the food stalls..."

"Food stalls you say? Edgar murmured.

Norton nodded.

"Food stalls..."

He looked down at the woman, who was still sobbing.

"Miss, what is your name?"

"M-my name?"

Edgar's tone softened and he knelt in front of her.

"Yes, your name."

"I-it's H-Helena, your highness..."

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