4. Summer

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Summer was a big change for me, and still is. Besides turning 16, I got a job that I enjoy and pays well, I cut my own bangs, and I am finally letting go of my ex.
Ok, the last part is kind of pathetic, but progress is progress. I haven't told anyone the juicy details. Maybe. Yeah no, I told Keanu.
It started when the end of school was near. My ex sent me a letter via friend in my biology class. It was the usual "I'm sorry I fucked up, blah blah, excuses excuses, yadda yadda, i miss you and DM me, la de da, have a good summer ma'am."
Well let's say I had confronted him and he denied having feelings for me and ever wanting anything to do with me.

Excuse me, what?! I'm not that dumb to believe you. Anyways some back and forth then I walked away with his friends shouting shit like "It was nice knowing you!" or "I hope you crash your car!"
I don't even drive right now. Let alone having a car.

When Kea heard me rant about this, he was very supportive of me. He thought it was "Absolute bullshit!" He was frustrated and angry that I had to deal with such juvenile tactics. I was more angry at myself at the moment to be honest.
If I had listen to my intuition right off the bat when I met my ex, I wouldn't be in this ordeal at all. But, no... I had to ignore my gut to get slapped in the face.

He thought that was bad enough, but boy waiting till I showed him screenshots of my fake Instagram account's DM's with him.

I pretended to be this random girl at another school, and DM'd him when the topic of his ex came up.
Let's say that with some "encouraging" he agreed it would've been funny if I got raped. Or if he managed to fuck me then break up.
Also, he only saw me as a female version of him and completely left out that his friends were harassing me and that is why I yelled at them. When he saw me as a different person, he wanted to leave.
Also I didn't want to be "just friends" so that might have caused me to be a "bitch."
Keanu was absolutely livid when I told him. Personally looking back, it isn't that big of a deal, but he disagrees.
Right now I'm in a different state, at a nice lake house. It's fun but y'know. Twin. Woohoo.
I miss Keanu way too much right now. Even though he texts me daily with "Good morning!" and "Goodnight!"
Even though he tries to call me daily.
I don't know if he likes me back or not. I don't want to get my hopes up.
What if he's just getting close to me to fuck me, like my ex?
I don't know anymore. All I know is that he is my best friend right now, and I have this huge ass crush on him right now. If he finds out, I'm gonna die.

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I'm going to try and enjoy this vacation anyways...

Boy AND Friend: KEANU SELF INDULGENT FICSWhere stories live. Discover now