We Meet Again

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Erza POV

I went to the bar after I worked, I hung out with Lucy, Levy, and Juvia, coincidentally Juvia is the wife of Gray Milkovich, and Lucy is the wife of Natsu Dragneel.

"So how bad was it?" Levy asked.

"Horrible, they wouldn't stop arguing about on thing to another, I wonder how he even got on one knee," I thought of what I just said.

"Well," Juvia started.

"It is more complicated than that," Lucy added on, "you see it was arranged marriage," she said.

I almost choked on my food, "arranged? That is like really old fashion though!" I said.

"There parents don't seem to think so," Juvia said.

"Jellal is actually really nice, and he is loyal to his father so this is his way of keeping that loyalty to his family," Lucy said.

"I know it's just the thought of arranged marriages, it turns my stomach to think parents actually force there children into these situations," I said.

"Me too, but apparently they want to unite the two companies," Juvia said.

"Wow, does the miss even want to go through with this to?" I asked.

"She can be hard to deal with but yes I guess," Lucy said.

I went to the bar to get another round, what I didn't notice is that I stepped on someone's foot, I startledly jumped off and said, "sorry I didn't see your foot there."

"Oh hey it's you Ms. Scarlet," he said, I was startled he knew my name.

I looked up and saw a very distinct red tattoo and blue hair, "oh hello Jellal, you know you can call me Erza, I'm outside of work so it's fine," I said.

"Okay Erza, what are you doing here, I wouldn't think a independent and responsible person like yourself would be in a bar like this," he said.

"I could be asking the same as you, Mr. All Time Buisness Man," I mocked.

"Well I come here on the days I want to get away from work, too stressful," he said.

"Oh so what branch in business do you work in?" I asked.

"We work in the construction of hospitals and medical systems," he said.

I laughed, "sure seems more interesting than what I do," I said.

We found ourselves sitting at the bar table, it was probably over hours but for us it felt like only a few minuets, "so is that all you do in the your department plan weddings?" He asked.

I nodded, "I am really good at other things to but I find just planning things out for special events like marriage are fun and exciting, I also plan other thugs like retirements parties, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, all that stuff," I said, "and what do you do, just sit in an office all day?" I asked teasingly.

"Well not all the times," I laughed, "well my job isn't as important as marriage, well maybe but I also do lots of planning myself, sometimes I am the architect behind the buildings, I was reall good at math and designing back in college, so I decided you know why not just get that into my work to?"

I agreed, but he said marriage was important then why is being forced into his own, I decided to go for a different subject, "so how did you meet Ms. Milkovich?" I asked.

"Ultear you mean?" He said, I nodded, "well actually we met when our fathers decided to have a meeting concerning something and we were later introduced." he said.

"Well I bet you and her became the cutest little friends right?" I said.

"Well we hated eachother at first, but we're good now," he said, "so what about you and your friends?" He asked.

"I've known everyone ever since junior year on my highschool days, the rest is just... forgotten I guess," I said.

"Oh really?" He asked.

Jellal POV

"Oh really?" I said.

"Mhm," she still smiled but it was weak and uncheerful, "in the end of sophomore year I was in some kind of accident and got amnesia, I picked up on education pretty quickly, and my parents died when I was young so I don't know much about them, I had a grandfather but he passed away some time ago," she said.

I was sad, here I am blabbing about my boring parents and hers are dead, the look I gave probably was sad and somber, "no need for the sad face, I still have my friends, and my family friends Makarov and Porliusica, so I'm not alone," she smiled, it was a real smile this time.

"So any boyfriend?" I asked.

She laughed again, "no, no in this day in age, beside I'm waiting for the right person, plus I am only 25," she said.

"Hah your right well I think 27 is about a good age to get married," I said.

"Hey pretty boy!" A girl with wavy brown hair came up to me, "any new comer must verse me in a drinking battle!" she said

In the end I was blacked out, I had a few images like someone driving me home, me looking at my condo door, and me lying in my bed.

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