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Erza POV

I was waiting, I had Natsu and Gajeel with me to help decide what Jellal would wear to his wedding, Natsu was Jellal's cousin, and Gajeel was Juvias cousin.

"So Erza," Natsu started, "how'd you end up working for Jellal's wedding?" He asked.

"Ugh... I think Lucy gave him a request," I said.

I looked back at the front doors, I saw Jellal, it looked like he just slapped on whatever he could find and ran, "nice fashion statement," Gajeel teased.

I chuckled at the joke.

"Yeah yeah, I had a major hangover last night, don't know how I ended up in bed though?" He said.

"Oh, that was me, I used the address you gave me during our previous meetings," I said, "your welcome!" I said.

"Yah... ugh I didn't do anything to displease you did I?" He asked.

"Nope!" I said, it was a lie, truth is, when we were in the car he tried to slip a hand under my skirt, but I let it pass since he was drunk.

"So let's get this thing started!" Natsu said.

We headed to this one place called Blue Pegusus, it specializes in this kind of stuff, they have more branches to, they are in the food branch, clothing branch, and club branch, although the reason why they are so popular is because of the three most handsome guys there, Hibiki, Ren, and Eve.

"Okay so the colors for your wedding are supposably white and rich blue, so what I am thinking is," I pulled off clothes from the racks, I grabbed a gray silk vest with white stripe lines, white pants, a white blouse, and a blue silk tie, "try this on and then come out for us to see." I said while shoving him into a dressing room.

Hibiki and Ren on my sis holding some other clothes, "ready," he said while coming out.

"Men," I no that voice from anywhere it sent shivers up and down my back, "you will not wear those shoes with a blue Pegusus logo! Men!" He screamed.

"Just do what you want Ichiya," I said annoyed.

All the guys left me outside the dressing room and they just all slipped into the room working on Jellal.

I heard him screaming from struggling, and I heard the other men in their trying to "help".

When he came out he was nicely dressed, he wore a nice dark blue silk jacket, a white blouse, a black bow tie, with black pants, and a the grey vest I picked out underneath the jacket.

"Perfect!" I said clasping my hands together, "and I'm saying that in Ultears perspective, I think she will think you are the handsomest man alive!" I said.

Jellal POV

I suppressed a blush, "ugh yes," I said.

"So how much is it?" Erza asked one of the men whom worked here.

"Ugh it is 30,000 jewel but since your a friend we'll nock off 25,000 jewel!" They said in perfect unison.

"Thank you so much!" She said happily.

Erza was waiting outside, while I paid, "so Jellal," Hibiki and Ichiya looked at me, it was a serious look, "you won't tell her?" They asked.

I looked over to Erza, her back faced towards me, her scarlet hair just cascading down her back, her arms folded behind her back, I smiled, "you know I like these little times we have together, so that's all I want right now," I said grabbing the bag of new clothes.

"Erza should know though, she has a right to know Jellal," Hibiki said.

"You sound like me cousin," I said walking out the door.

Erza smiled when I walked out, "now that's been taken care of... hair," she said, I looked frightend, I never did anything with my hair so I left it alone.

"Hmm, maybe we can at least cut it a little, way to shaggy," she said, "I know this one place," she said, we ran across the street and came upon a hair shop called "Cancer Barbs", she smiled, "my friends is friend with the stylist, so I come here a lot to get my hair done.

She pushed me into the store, then she went up to the counter, and waited for the stylist, I swear I was so perverted because her breast were just hanging out of her tank top.

"Jellal it's time for your haircut," she said grabbing my attention.

I went to the stylist, he had two scissors in his hands and whenever he cut of hair he would say baby or ebi.

"I'm done Ms. Erza," he said, then the sexy red head came behind me, she took one glance and smiled.

"Yep this is going to be perfect for the wedding," she said.

"Ms. Erza I didn't know you were getting married," he said, I flushed red.

"Oh no, it's not like that, he is getting married not me," she said.

"Oh," he looked a little sad, wonder why.

Erza and I went outside, this time we went to eat, while doing that we did more planning, "suite, check, shoes, check, hair, check," she said checking off everything on her todo list.

"Okay you work extremely fast," I said, she nodded.

"Ofcourse, I mean we want this to happen as soon as possible." she said.

I don't.

"So tell me about yourself, I mean we're friends right?"

She nodded, "okay what do you want to know?"

"How about college," I know I sound pushy but I just had to know.

"Oh umm, well the first year is gone, but after they got me back on track with college I met Juvia and Lucy, and eventually Natsu and Gray, I had fun in college, though I wish I could remember freshmen year." she said, and no she didn't want to remember freshmen year.

"Okay well when I was college it was a pain in the ass," I said.

She laughed, "well school isn't exactly a favorite subject now is it?" She said.

We walked out of the eating place and then we had to go back to Fairytail, if you didn't know Erza worked in the marriage department of Fairytail, as we were going to cross the road a car came speeding across road, swiftly I grabbed Erza by the hand and pulled her to my chest, she came face first when touching my chest, I put my other hand on her lower back, the car had stopped where Erza was standing, then the driver didn't bother to say sorry instead they kept on driving.

"Asshole," I mumbled.

It was then I realized I was still holding Erza, I let her go and looked at her, "are you okay?" I asked demandingly.

She nodded.

"Okay then let's go," I said, this time I was leading pulling her hand to move faster.

Erza POV

I was shocked, I mean what the hell just happen in that moment, and why is he holding my hand?

NO ERZA, he is a client that is going to get married, you can't fall for him.

"You okay you've been really quiet," he said stopping and looking down at me.

"It's okay, I'm fine," I said smiling up at him.

"If you think so," he said.

I nodded.

We continued our way to Fairytail and then we arrived, "today was fun," he said.

"Really? How so?" I asked.

"Well your fun," he said, then walked to his car.

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