TF1 Chapter 5: Sacrifice and Victroy right?

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{As everyone was gathered in the room alerted by the shocking quake of the facility}

Keller: Gentlemen, they know the cube is here...*Keller said and everyone gathered up*

Banachek: *walks over to a intercom and pressed a button* What's going on up there talk to me!..*Some guy on the other side saying the back up generators aren't gonna cut it*

Lennox: *comes over* Do you have an arms room..*Banachek nods and the door was unlocked everyone exited out of the room*

Boston: *puts Sparky in my satchel that I asked for* Okay Sparky bubs need you to remain in this satchel at all cost okie?...*Sparky nods understanding and snuggles deep in the satchel I smile and kiss his head, and followed everyone out of the room towards the arm rooms to load up*

*After arriving in the room, everyone started to pack and load up on weapons and ammo*

Simmons: Forty millimeters sabot rounds, in that table! *points at the table, and one of Lennox men began to load up on the rounds, then the facility shock again, and lights flickered, Me and Sam nod and walk over to Simmons*

Boston: Mr. Simmons you gotta take us to our car, he'll know what to do!, trust us! *I was telling him*

Simmons: Listen boys, Your car is confiscated..*Loading up*

Sam: Then unconfiscate it...*We began to argue then Lennox came over*

Lennox: take them to their car!...*Pins Simmons too a vehicle as his Men easily takes out Simmons men*

Simmons: Whoa whoa?!!?..*Exclaimed so does Banachek* drop your weapon soldier....*Simmons tells Lennox* There's an Alien war going on and your gonna shot me?!.

Lennox: No we didn't ask to be here..*Lennox told Simmons*

Simmons: I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction...*He began*

Epps: S-Seven don't exist...*Epps said*

Lennox: Right and we're not gonna take orders from someone who doesn't exist..*Lennox said to Simmons*

Simmons: I'm gonna count to five..*He threaten*

Lennox: Well I'm gonna count to three..*Pointing his pistol at Simmons chest*

Keller: Simmons...*Keller step in*

Simmons: Yes sir?...*said with his hands up*

Keller: I do what these guys say, losing ain't really a option for them..*Keller said*

Simmons:...*Thinks and sighs nodding* All right, okay, Hey you want to lay the fate of the world on the kids Camaro..that's cool...*He said then they were lead to the room they were holding Bee in*

Boston: *Immediately when entering the room, I heard Bee whirls of pain and I went in* Hey hey!, stop stop put them down please!

Sam: No no, stop let him go now! *Sam said to them*

Banachek: Noo no, stop drop do what the kids said, let him go, let em go...*He told them and Everyone stop and calmed down*

Boston: *I went up to Bee, and cupped his faceplate cheeks* Hey hey...its me Bee Bee...focus on my voice..*I cam tell he was wary and gripped onto me protectively and transformed his right servo hand to a gun and flipped his combat visor on then pointed a gun at everyone else* Bee Bee!, hey hey no they won't hurt you again, calm down okay its okay everything is alright...*I said calmly and he looked at me and flipped his combat visor off and looked at my eyes he then calmed down and transformed his right servo hand back to normal* There's my stringer!..*smiles and Bee whirls* Look Bee the cube is here and the Decepticons I near we need you come and somehow make that cube small okay?..

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