TF4 Chapter Prologue: Bills and 100$ Truck

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{Five year's, five long years of nothing, they promised to send messages, but it stop after the second year showed up, I felt truly alone, retired and alone, I signed and ended up calling my old Time inventor buddy Cade Yeager, I told him about my situation and to my surprise he offered the guest bedroom down at his house, at Texas, I was happy and accepted, soon after moving in, we became partners and did some cool and for straight weird inventions, but its not junk if you can make somethingng out If it..}

*I shift a bit, and using a wielding some metal, see I was making a cat robot, cause one bored, two why not, I hear Cade wacko dog bot bark and I turned to see my niece Tessa come in*

Boston: Hey Tess how was school today?..*I was finishing up the Robo Cat*

Tessa: It was good Uncle B, but...*Shows an envelope, financial aid, denied, I frowned*

Boston: Aww, that sucks sorry to here that Tess, but hey!, at least bills and rent are being kept up, though don't tell four father I'm secretly paying off his stuff..*I snickered, but them some wires spark, giving my a jump* SON'VA!?!!

Tessa: *Giggles* Thank you, Uncle B, for helping us..*I chuckled and grabbed her hand, family like!!, I ain't no pedo!!*

Boston: Hun, Cade is my friend and your my nieces, hearing that your Mom passed away, sucked and I felt like I needed to repay and help, so don't worry your butt about nothing, now go face time with your boy~ *I snickered*

Tessa: Oh my God!, Uncle!...*She huffed walking up stairs to her bedroom, I laughed hard*

Boston: Oh come on!!!, You guys obviously have a thing for each other?!!?!..*I chuckled shaking my head, I sighed and went back to work, that was until I heard, a engine of a Semi* What in the hell...*I groaned and walked out of the house and I sighed slumping, seeing Cade and our faithful employee Lucas pull up in Lucas Mini cooper* You know, this is where you were suppose to call me, and say hey I'm bring over this 1 ton old semi, you cool, then I say yeah I'm cool..*I tell him*

Cade: *Tells the tow truck to stop* Oh come on Man, I couldn't let this  opportunity to go, look at it Bos..*I sighed and walked over*

Tessa: Dad please tell me, you didn't spend our money on this truck?..*Tess came out, kinda upset*

Lucas: No your money mine, 150 bucks of it..*He said leaning against a fence*

Boston: Consider that an advancement of your pay here, as regular pay!!..*I shouted*

Cade: See what he said, you'll get your money back soon, don't know when but soon man..*Cade tells him*

Lucas: That really doesn't help..*Lucas said*

Tessa: It shouldn't if it wasn't for Uncle B, we'd be broke..*She said walking inside*

Lucas: I knew it!..*He snapped his head at Cade*

Cade: Sweetheart, could you please not drive a wedge, between employer and employee..*Cade said*

Lucas: Hold on, I thought we were partners..*Lucas said*

Cade: No, He's..*Points at Me* Is my partner, you are our employee- *I cut him off*

Boston: Lucas your check is at the door on the table to right, Cade we need to talk..*Lucas eyes lit up, and head inside I chuckled as Cade came over*

Cade: Come on B, your making me look bad here..*he said feeling bad*

Boston: *chuckles rolling eyes* Dude your doing your best, I get that now enough of paying this and that...this guy..*Pats the old broken semi* Wonder what his story is..

Cade: You see, I couldn't just let this dude off, saw him in the old theater down town, dude was a miss with mortar shells and crap stuff in 'em..*I nodded*

Boston: Well lets bring this stuff in, gotta make room in the garage anyways..*We nodded to each other and got to work moving the Broken semi in the garage*

*I was chilling soldering some wires together, repairing Cade little guard dog*

Boston: Just simple math C, your add the this and that calculate this, and boom stuff down..*Closes the panel and powers the Dog up, and he barks properly*

Cade: Dude, you make everything look simple..*Playfully bro punches my arm*

Boston: Hey hey!..*I laughed* I don't, just somethings I understand is all..*smirks* Oi Lucas go take a seat, just got done fixing up that delivery not, should bring you a cold one with no problems!

Lucas: Don't gotta tell me twice..*Goes over and punches a sandbag, causing ruckus*

Cade: Dude, stop breaking stuff..*Cade said as we chuckled* Hey Man, things for paying the Rent and shit, just been hard couple of weeks..*He tells Me*

Boston: No problem, though please let your daughter go to Prom with her Boh crush man, let her be a young teenage girl and enjoy life, let her be happy man..*Typing in a computer*

Cade: *Sighs, nodding to Me* You make it hard to argue back Bro..*We chuckled* Okay I'll give this Shawn *I correct him*

Boston: Shane, and I used my old hacker habits and skill, he's clean, he's good and loyal he'll treat her right Man, trust me..*I patted his shoulder*

•I was outside, looking at the Stars as night came•

Boston: *sighs, sipping a beer* You know, never thought all of my hard work, everything I bad experience and built be gone...just like that...*Sighs*

|Question: Cade joins Boston harem? Or stay cannon and Cade goes with Vivienne?, one with the most votes in the comments wins|

Cade: Oh come on B..*Joins my side looking at the Sky as well* You know its not all bad, I usually pray hope, that my wife is somewhere up there, looking down at Me, I tell her how grown up Tessa is, and his successful she became, it just feels..*I nodded*

Boston: Feels right, feels like your getting some form of clarity..*Cade chuckles taking a sip of his beer*

*We heard an electrical pop and smell of smoke we groaned and rushed to the garage*

~TimeSkip, New Chapter~

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