Character info: Slushi

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(Not my character, this is a character from chikn nuggit)
(I will update this every time I get new info about the character).

Name: Slushi
Species: Fox
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality type: INFP

Mint green fur covers most of the body, with a light blue and white in both the tail and ears.

Black legs [covered by black leggings] to paws, with a mint green paw print.

Slushi also has light mint fading to a darker shade in the eyes.

Interests and skills:
- Caring.
- Good with kids.
- Loves suits.
- Takes interest in the supernatural.
- Loves drawing. (Is very good at it)
- Likes to write (mainly fanfiction).
- Likes romance.
- Sometimes prefers to wear something that doesn't require pants.
- Likes watching shows (violent variety).
- Loves to hang out with friends.
- Likes comicons, and collecting merchandise.
- Prefers time indoors.
- Likes to have some time to herself.
- Likes to dance
- Likes make-up/ beauty (flowers into hair with pretty design).
- Prefers to keep busy.
- sticker collecting, also figure collecting.
- very passionate about anime.

Little more about her character:
- Likes small portions of food rather than large.
- Generous.
- Mainly drinks water.
- Quite responsible.
- Very proud about her sexuality.
- Doesn't care what others think about her.
- Has some pessimistic views.
- Has anxiety (seems to be a bad case).
- Bottles up some of her troubles. (May have a bad mental state).
- 52% extrovert 48% introvert.

I believe that Slushi in fact is an INFP as in the shorts she doesn't hang around large crowds of people only 1 or 2 at a time, also her friend group is small with only 4 (including her). Also, in one of the shorts, she goes to the beach alone, not taking anyone with her. Furthermore, the fact that she goes to conventions doesn't necessarilyy means that she is an extrovert (ENFP) as lots of introverts go to conventions as well.

I also feel that she spends a lot of time alone, doing art, from my understanding extroverts may get bored of staying alone and creating art for hours on end. (But this is just a guess as I'm not extroverted myself)

Slushi (Chikn) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now