Late for a date.

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The night sky loomed over head, the great white moon shining over the dancing rain while (Y/n) sat there.


This made it the third time. Their hope began dwindling.
"What if she lost intrest in me?" They mubbled to no one but themselves. Their fist clenched around soggy, half-dead roses suffocating them, they looked black within the light of the night.

(Y/n) couldn't help but repeat the last two times in their mind, but those times Slushi hadn't been this late. It actually seemed this time she wasn't gonna turn up at all.

Tears dropped, which were masked by the cold rain. With time forever ticking, (Y/n) decided to just go home.
Puddles of water glided over the concrete beneath their feet, creating splashing and squishing sounds as they dragged themselves along. The moon blankly stared illuminating the path a head.

Blizzard of rain drowned any sound from making its way towards (y/n) nor, could they smell anything over the thick wet grass smell that invaded their nose. The sidewalk seemed to go on forever, in its repeating patten of four concrete slabs and then a lamp post; with only the change of a few cracks here and there.

(Y/n) was nothing short than drenched from top to bottom, but the despear- that clawed the heart- took any cold they might have felt. The way they slugged along, let them know that home wasn't going to come for a long time.

On the way, (y/n) decided to take a seat at a park bench. Sitting there playing with his hands anxiously, still thinking back to Slushi. (Y/n) remembers the time she first asked them out, and how awkward they were acting. This sprang a slight chuckle which, died quickly.

Picking back up the misson: going home, (y/n) want a lot quicker now. Their shoes squeaked as they ran the long path. In the dead of the night (y/n) turned the corner standing on their street, while catching their breath.

A shadow of a fimilar fox casted by the dim light of (y/n)'s front door, shook nervously. (Y/n) could identify from here that Slushi's fur was a complete mess. 'That could be from the rain or maybe she had just woke up?' Questions bounced around their mind; 'forget that, why is she even here, it's late. To apologise? Why didn't she just wait till tomorrow?' Comcluding that standing there was doing nothing (y/n) started to approach her.

The closer they got, the more clear she become. Pacing back and forth, it was clear that waking up late had really drowned her in stress. Also not to mention she was drenched by the continuous rain, still pouring hours later from when it started.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked trying best to hide the sorrow in their voice. Suddenly Slushi jumped out her skin, spinning around to meet me gaze.
"Ahhh!" She screamed with shock plastered on her face. "I thought you were home already."

Calming down, a mix of worry and desperation shaded her.
"I'm so incredibly sorry about tonight, I was caught up in work and dozed off for too long, sorry, is there anything I can do?" Slushi repented. Shifting her eyes, the drenched roses captured her attention. "Were those for me?" She asked. Tears started welling with in (y/n)'s eyes while, they dragged them behind their back.

"That hurt, I stood there since seven." (Y/n) replied coldly. "I'm starting to think you don't like me any-" even before they could finish their sentence, they were taken in to a tight hug. Wrapping around her arms to consume (y/n), she pulled them close. It hurt her to have hurt (y/n) so badly. Soon the hug broke off, both looking down at the soaking wet concrete beneath them.

"What was this work?" (Y/n) asked trying to change the subject.
"It was only more art commissions, I believe in month I can really start going professional with this." Slushi looked up at (y/n)'s eyes, should could tell, even behind the rain that they have been hurt by the events that had transpired. With silence in the air again, both just stood there staring at each other; both had returned to the issue that was digging into their hearts.

"Again I'm sorry that I missed our date, I do really like you, so is there anything I can do?" Pleaded Sushi. (Y/n) shifted glancing over to their house.
"You could come in for some water, and to dry off" (y/n) suggested, although they did feel abit embarrassed to ask.

"I would love to," she said moving closer towards the door.
With no more words (y/n) walked up to the door in question.
With a turn of the key the white door swang lazily open.
The inner confines of the house was well kept, seeming to hold no unessary clutter.

"You can go take a shower if you want, to get all that water off your fur." They suggested. (Y/n) headed into their own room to change, while finding a way to rid themselves of a wet smell.
Slushi did as instructed, trudging over to the bathroom, for a nice warm shower. 

(Y/n) watch her enter the bathroom, then turned around and threw those roses in the bin then stood there doing nothing; untill finally moving to get changed and put on a spray to smell better.

Before 5 minutes had passed, (y/n) had already changed and began cleaning the water that had leaked into the home. They did this by throwing a few towels at the bigger puddles, swiping away the rest with a mop. Just as they were finishing Slushi came out looking exactly as messy as before, with the exception that she was dry now and lost the smell of rain.

(Y/n) smiled for the first time tonight, then stood up and moved over to the kitchen. Entering the small room, which had baby blue wallpaper on he lower half, that switched to tiles for the rest, they walked up to the fridge grabbing out a large bottle of spring water, grabbing ice from the freezer. (Y/n) then poured it into two glasses, bringing them to a small table situated near a large window that over looked a field behind the house.

Slushi sat adjacent to (y/n), looking straight out in to the large, open field. Looking out there, it wasn't much of a view at night, being pitch black with not even the tall grass in view.

"Remember when we sat under a tree in that field, for a whole day?" Slushi asked turning her attention towards (y/n).
"Before we had anything serious in our lives, you could spend days doing nothing without worry." (Y/n) continued.

Both of them smiled softly at that thought, although it had almost been a year ago since them, it had seemed so far away. In the past year, their lives had really picked up the pace.

"Speaking of things we haven't done in a while, why don't we got to an amusement park for our anniversary, it's not traditional but it will be fun?" Slushi suggested in her usal chipper tone.
"Mhm ok, sounds fun" (y/n) said quite convinced on the idea. "But I'll go to your house first, make sure you are late" he winked.

(Y/n) then looked out of the window to the field, the never ending
Rain still stubbornly poured down. It was apparent that if Slushi walked home, she would be drenched once more and had a high chance of catching a cold.

"Doesn't seem the rain is letting down anytime soon, you'll have to crash here." (Y/n) stated. "We can maybe watch a movie or something, maybe that date doesn't have to be ruined after all"

Slushi smiled, relieved that (y/n) wasn't up set anymore. She drew closer and hugged them tightly.

Slushi (Chikn) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now