clogged pipes

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"Shit" you mumbled the pipes in your gun running factory are clogged with oil your not gonna hear the end of it from agent 14 you try to fix the pipes up yourself before he comes but it was unsuccessful "Agent 14 Is here" one of your workers say you groan knowing he's about to chew your head off you see him enter with a tool box "clogged pipes I hear" you chuckle trying to throw him off  "nothing I can't get fixed I'm working on it" he sighs "You know how I feel about you being late on the shipments" you roll your eyes walking up to him "I know you hate it and I'm sorry"  you say with a wide a grin on your face "I just need help unclogging the pipes" you said getting closer to him "I can help you with that" as you were about to lean in for a kiss he moves to the side and heads to the actual clogged pipe.

You scoff you like agent 14 but he keeps on dodging you no matter how high the sexual tension is between the two of you
After a hour he finishes the pipes you hand him some soda to drink "eh I can't have that I'm on a diet" you place the soda on the table "thanks for fixing my pipes" you said he nods his head.

You place the wrench down on the table
"So what's you foreplay" he asks you. Your eyebrows furrow In confusion
"What do you mean" you asked him
"Oral first or penetration" you chuckle
"I usually go with oral first" agent 14 smirks "tell you what since I got done unclogging these pipes why don't I do the same with yours" you smirk.

As you were about to lean in for a kiss your computer beeps letting you know that you have a shipment request
"Oops work calls" you said to him he smirks. He walk passes you with a little limp you look down and noticed the huge hard on you gave him "I'll call you if I need them unclogged again" he chuckles and leaves your facility

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