The Hideaway

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"Ralph, I got sumthin' to show you," notified Simon.

"Is it important?" Ralph investigated.

"I think so," Simon reported. 

Ralph shrugged as Simon lead him into the jungle. Once they were away from everyone else, the dark haired boy grabbed Ralph's hand.

"It's not too far from here," assured Simon.

Soon, the two of them came to a place that was unlike anything Ralph had ever seen. It was the only truly private place available. It was isolated from everybody else. Simon went there to be alone. That is, until he actually wanted to be with somebody. Ralph was the one person that he'd ever show it to.

"Why're we here?" inspected Ralph.

"So we can be together," declared Simon.

"Batty, do I need to repeat myself?" Ralph examined.

"No. Ralph, please, just try. Try for me," begged Simon.

The boys sat in the hideaway. Ralph held Simon's hand. After a few minutes, he removed his hand. Then, he returned it. He repeated the pattern nearly ten times before Simon spoke up.

"Do you hate me? Do you hate this that much?" Simon questioned, trying not to disclose how hurt he was.

"I don't hate you...or this. I don't hate it. I never done anything like this is all. I need some time to get used to it," confessed Ralph.

Simon sat motionless for a while. Suddenly, he grabbed Ralph's chin with his thumb and forefinger. He kissed Ralph gently. When he stopped, Ralph put his arm around him.

"Thank you," murmured Simon as he leaned against his leader. Ralph ruffled his hair, and hesitantly pecked his cheek. Simon blushed.

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