Chapter One - Occupied Minds

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As the wind blew her hair around and the setting sun shone on her sun-kissed skin, she smiled taking in the beautiful view.

As the wind lightly blew his hair around and the setting sun reflected off of his diamond blue eyes, he smiled taking in the breathtaking view.

They were so close, yet so far apart.


Lila threw her hair into a bun and walked the few steps over to the Camerons' house.

The evening had turned to night, the moon shining brightly down on her lighting up the path. The breeze making her shiver as she walked.

She quietly opened the front door trying not to let out a single sound as she snuck into the house to see her best friend.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Her best friend called out behind her, making her jump slightly and then freeze in her place.

"Sarah," She sighed holding in her laugh and biting her lip to stop the growing smile from showing.

Once Sarah had let her laugh burst so did Lila. The two held their stomachs laughing so hard. "Why would you do that to me? I thought your dad was about to take me back over to my house and let my dad kick my ass." She says in between breaths of laughter.

"You're lucky it was just me," Sarah says catching her breath, still smiling.

Lila opens her door and walks over to her bed, flopping onto it and sighing.

Sarah and Lila had been best friends for years. The two of them lived next door to each other and became best friends through their parents. Their fathers had done business together in the past and are now partners working for Ward, Sarah's dad's business, Cameron Development.

"Tired?" Sarah asks Lila closing her door and grabbing the remote as she sits down next to her. "A little." She says moving over to give her some more room.

"What do you want to watch?" She asks opening Netflix. "You pick, I always pick." Lila says closing her eyes and snaking under the sheets.

"Don't fall asleep on me already, I thought we were supposed to have fun." Sarah says, her tone full of disappointment.

"I'm not, I'm just taking in the atmosphere." Lila says taking a deep breath in and then letting it out.

"You are the most complex person I have ever met Delilah." Sarah says clicking on a movie. "Is that a compliment?" Lila asks cautiously.


Sarah gets under the sheets, snuggling close to her best friend's warmth.

"Legally Blonde?" Lila says sarcastically as she gives Sarah a side eye look.

"You said I could pick." A smug smile taking over Sarah's face.

"But-" Lila goes to protest with Sarah quickly shushing her.

The movie continues with small talk and laughter during different scenes, Lila finding herself becoming somewhat intrested in the movie.

As the movie credits roll down the screen Lila sits up and turns her body to face Sarah. "Okay, let's talk." Lila smiles and looks at Sarah expectantly to sit up.

Fixed and Broken - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now