Chapter Six - Something New

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As Rafe sits on the couch smiling like an idiot at his phone Kelce walks through the front door.

"What are you smiling about?" Kelce asks. He quirks an eyebrow at Rafe. Rafe being completely drawn into whatever he's doing on his phone, doesn't even catch what Kelce had said.


"What?" Rafe asks, quickly turning his head to the location of where the voice came from.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing." Rafe says, quickly typing out something and sliding his phone into his pocket.

"A girl perhaps?" Kelce asks.

"No," Rafe trails off.

"It is a girl, I know it is." Kelce exclaims. "So tell me, what's her name?"

"Oh my god. Kelce just leave it alone." Rafe says, getting annoyed.

"Alright fine, you ready to go?"

Rafe mentally slaps himself. He'd forgot he made plans with Kelce.

"Shit. I have to cancel I have other plans." Rafe says.

"It's about this girl isn't it." Kelce says knowing he's right.

"No it's not-" Rafe starts. He's quickly interrupted.

"It's fine, I already know I'm right. I'll just hit up Topper or something." Kelce says waving Rafe off.


Rafe goes upstairs to his room after Kelce closes the front door. He sprays on some cologne and checks his hair making sure it's split right down the middle. Perfect.

He makes his way over to Lila's house. He knocks on her door and takes her hand to lead her to his truck at his house.

"So what are we doing today?" Lila asks as she glances over at him.

"I had something in mind." Rafe says smirking.

Once over at his house, he grabs two surf boards from the bed.

"I didn't know you surfed." Lila says. She grabs the board he'd gotten her from out of his grasp, he decides not to fight it.

"I quit a while back once I became friends with Topper and Kelce. They called it a 'Pogue sport'." Rafe says.

"I've never surfed before. Is it hard?" Lila asks as she catches up to him so they can walk side by side down the trail. It looks so much more different than it does at night. She knows exactly where they're headed.

"It's not too hard. My mom taught me but I'm a pretty quick learner. I think you'll get it down." Rafe says.

Once the two make it to the sand they lay their boards down. There's a moment of scilence between them before the two start undressing. After undressing Rafe stares down at Lila, an audible gulp rolls down his throat.

The way her hair falls perfectly over her tanned skin. Her perfect curves that he let his eyes trace over. The way her eyes meet his like no one elses' have before.

Lila holds in a breath as she lets her eyes scan his toned abs and chiselled face. The way his cold blue eyes stared into her big brown ones. She found herself becoming more and more fond of his presence.

'He's going to leave you.'

The thought made her sick to her stomach.

"Well," She lets out the breath she had been holding in. "Are you ready to teach me how to surf?"

He breaks his eyes off of her and runs a hand through his hair as he look down at the ground. "Yeah."

The two walk over to the shoreline, Lila following Rafe's every move into the water. The two swim out a little bit, nobody is around. This really is Rafe's spot.

"Okay I'll do a few runs so you can get a view from the water and then I'll come back and set you up." Rafe says followed by a nod from Lila.

Rafe does a few runs on the board before swimming back out to her. Lila sits on her board as he intructs every move and motion to her. She waits for a good wave and starts paddling hard. After almost getting up she crashes into the water.

She comes up from the water and gets back on her board, swimming back over to Rafe. "Just try and keep your balance a little more." He says, Lila nods and waits for another wave.

After crashing a few times she swims back over to Rafe. She sighs a loud sigh and pushes her wet hair back. "I can't do it." She stares down into the water as she sits on her board.

"Hey," Rafe says, he waits for Lila to look up at him. When she doesn't he speaks again. "Look at me." She sighs and obeys.

"You can do this, okay?" He says. "I didn't get it on the first try." She smiles a small smile and nods her head. She's going to catch this one.

As she waits for a wave she goes through the moves and motions Rafe told her in her head. The perfect wave  comes up and she begins paddling out. Finally pushing up on her board she stands and rides the wave to shore. Rafe catches a wave behind her and makes his way to shore too.

He drops his board on the ground and runs over to her. He swiftly lifts her up and spins her around as he cheers for her.

"You did it Li!" Rafe cheers as she giggles in his arms.

"I actually did it!" She says.

He puts her down and holds her waist to make sure she has her balance however, he doesn't move his hands. He caresses her hips ever so lightly, his fingers grazing her skin.

Their faces slowly inching closer together. So close they're breathing in each others air. His rough hands slide up her body and make their way to cup her soft face. His thumb caresses her bottom lip, their eyes exploring each others faces.

Rafe then clears his throat. "We should get back."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Lila says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The walk back to the Camerons' was silent but comfortable. Rafe and Lila walking hand in hand the whole time. Both of them too consumed in their thoughts.

After putting the two surf boards back into the bed of the truck Rafe turns and looks at Lila. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yeah." She responds, she can't help the huge smile she has on her face.

He cranes his neck down to look at her, giving her hand a small squeeze. Her big brown eyes looking up into his cold blue ones turned soft by just the sound of her voice.

"Bye Lila."

"Bye Rafe."

Fixed and Broken - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now