Chapter Seven - Fight Fire with Fire

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A day later, Sarah texted Lila that afternoon to make sure they were still going to the bonfire together.

The bonfire.

The biggest Kook and Pogue party of the year. It was on the beach, same weekend every year. Everyone went.

As Lila got ready in her room she scanned herself in her mirror. She decided she looked pretty good overall. She did a little spin and threw on a pair of white hightop Converse shoes and went downstairs.

"Bonfire?" Her mom asked as she sipped on her red wine in the kitchen.


"Well have fun and don't get into too much trouble." Her mom said smiling at her daughter and giving her a wink. Lila playfully rolled her eyes and walked out the front door. She swiftfully made her way over to the Camerons' house to meet Sarah.

Sarah walked out of the front door right on time. "I'm so excited, we haven't been to a party in forever!" Sarah exclaimed as she walked over to her best friend.

"I know! We haven't hung out in forever either, this is going to be a great night!" Lila said smiling.

The two girls walked side by side along the road to the bonfire party on the beach.

"Are you going to talk to John B tonight?" Lila asks winking at her best friend.

"The pogues will most likely be here so no, he's waiting until Midsummers to tell them." She replies.

Midsummers. Lila had totally forgotten about the big event.

"I totally forgot about Midsummers." Lila says.

"I haven't. I'm dreading the fact that I have to go with Topper Thornton." She says rolling her eyes.

"Hey, it's not like you have to stay by his side the whole night." Lila says giving Sarah a reassuring smile.

The two finally hit sand and walk over to the area somewhat crowded with people. More and more people will trickle in over time but for now Sarah and Lila just decide to chat with some of the other kooks that are around.

As more people begin to show up Lila decides to begin her night of drinking. She walks over to the keg and grabs a red solo cup to fill it up with beer. She'd always hated the taste of beer but she just shrugs it off and takes a sip.

There was only one person Lila had actually wanted to see that night. Him.

As she looked around she made eye contact with JJ Maybank. He smiled and waved her over.

"Well hello Maybank." Lila says. She looks at Kie who is standing beside him. "Kie, long time no see."

"Lila, how are you?" Kie asks.

"Pretty good, what about you?"

"I'm great. Enjoying the party?"

"Yeah it's just started so nothing interesting really happening yet." Lila says before she takes a sip of the beer in her cup.

She never really talked to Kiara other than when her and Sarah were friends in the 9th grade. Something happened between them and they were all of a sudden enemies in the 10th grade. Sarah never wanted to get into it so Lila never pushed it.

Fixed and Broken - Rafe CameronTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang