The Problem (Chp 3)

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"W-what" Shuichi answered, after a search of who had been the one crying, they all figured they would find something surprising but they never expected something like this.

"Are you fucking joking right now?" Miu angrily said, not knowing whether what Kiibo said was true or false. Each and every one of them processed what the Ultimate robot had announced.

"Of course not...I don't think it's the time to make human jokes," Kiibo confusingly said, moving forward, Shuichi noticed he hesitated until he slowly removed the blanket top first, and showed them what it was in his arms...

And Oh how right he indeed was.

Right there, was a small human head wrapped around in a purple blanket, complete silence filled the room and no one seemed to care about the destruction or the mess that was made in the gym. The only thing they were all focused on was the baby that was in Kiibo's arms

He might have thought he was hallucinating until he saw Kiibo moving his arm because the little human started to move around, opening its round eyes slowly and looking at all of them with curiosity.

Shuichi could tell the horror in everyone's face and thought it would have stayed that way


"Bah!" it spoked.

Finally, the silence was broken, by Miu who shouted

"MY INVENTION WASN'T SUPPOSE TO DO THAT!!?," leading everyone to scream in chaos.

"I-is this real?!" Tsumugi was the second to speak

"Hey, this is a joke right, there's no way-" Kaito started to panic and grabbed both of Shuichi's shoulders, giving them a tight squeeze.

Shuichi winced at the pressure but stopped to care, as all he could do right now was stare in horror. The situation just escalated and of all the places a baby was here in a killing game. A place where a baby shouldn't be involved.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" Miu cried out. All of them started to panic, not paying attention to how the small baby would feel in the situation.

"E-everyone stop, I don't think it likes the noise-" Kiibo tried crying out but it seemed to be too late as the panic in the room overwhelmed the baby and immediately it started to cry loudly.


Kaito snapped out of his thoughts and was the first to notice, he quickly got into action. "Quiet everyone you're scaring the kid!!" he tried to move forward but was stopped by Miu dropping to the floor and wailing how the baby is not hers.

"Please listen to me, the machine wasn't supposed to do that, I'm not ready to be a mother!" Miu cried her eyes out, taking notice of some others in the room.

"If you could Kiibo, I think it's best to calm the little one..." Korekiyo ignored Miu's antics and spoke to Kiibo who looked at him worried.

"Ah, I don't know how?!!, I'm sorry to say this, but I never studied how to take care of small humans or how they work" Kiibo cried out, trying to calm the baby down by patting its back, the baby squirm at the screams and tried to hide on Kiibo's shoulder, but failed miserably making it cry harder.

"It appears the small one is a girl, please let's assure how to make the situation better.." Korekiyo revealed, not knowing Tenko heard the conversation, and excitement was shown on her face.

"It's a girl!" She lit up, moving in front of Himiko who put her hat down, trying to cover her ears. "Nyeh, she's too loud"

"She's a beautiful girl! Atua is pleased" Angie beamed, clapping her hands together, Maki rolled her eyes.

Motive's really do bring pain, huh? (NEW VERSION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora