17. Teach

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The sunset casts soundly against the reflection of the pool water. Soft chatter fills the atmosphere as everyone gathers around the fire pit. Vienna sleeps soundly in Delphine's lap, probably crashed from the alcohol. Azalea stands proudly in front of the fire, speaking of something about her fondness of France. I can't force myself to focus on her words as I study her physique.

Her mannerisms, the way she tilts her head when she smiles, the way she talks with her eyes. She holds her shoulders back and her head high as she commands the room. Grabbing everyone's attention effortlessly. Her raven waves make her hazel eyes beam with an ethereal glow. She looks almost inhuman against the light of the fire.

"That is why I cherish this country. This capitol," she smiles to herself as she wraps her arms around her torso. The alcohol in her makes her sway slightly as she slurs her words.

"This is my home. My one true love. I would give anything to raise my family here, to find my serenity in this country. With the love of my life," she slurs as she rocks back and forth on her toes.

I can't help the smile that curls my lips as she says the last part. Her words warm me a bit more than they should I know it. But I can't help it. She has unlocked a new emotion in me. Something so unfamiliar it scares me. Like a bitter sweet happiness.

"Evie, Theo?" She coos, her hands extended toward us. I snap from my train of thought and give her my full attention, furrowing a brow in confusion. Usually that name makes me cringe in disgust, but from her it's more than tolerable. Like a melody. She waves us toward her eagerly and I shake my head, a smirk peeling my lips.

I stand to my feet hesitantly as her grandmother shifts against her wife, a smile on her face. Theo takes her hand in his as he stands beside her. She faces me kindly when I approach her foot. Wrapping her opposite hand around my neck she leans into me, swaying with intoxication.

"What is it?" I ask, peering at her wearily. She slowly rests her forehead on mine and closes her eyes, humming sweetly. The feeling of her touch sparks my skin like hot wax, stirring a slow burn within me.

"I feel better now," she whispers so quietly I can barely hear her and I feel my core melt at her words. That unfamiliar emotion stirring again, purring loudly in my chest. I don't understand this effect she has on me, the way she makes me feel as if I'm crumbling. I'd never felt that before, and it scared me.

She stands again and takes my hand, whistling humorously as we lift her from the fire pit and set her on the ground. She lets out a low hum before turning on her heels to face me.

"I wanna show you something," she slurs, pushing off my frame and turning around to Theo, she extends her hands to him. "You too Theo," she grips his hands and pulls him to her frame, dragging him down the yard eagerly.

We walked for what seemed like forever before she came to a stop and turned to us. I hadn't realized where we until I looked up from my feet.

The scene behind her was something I've never seen before. She stood cliffside, over looking a large pool of water that laid idle between the landscape. The moonlight glowing against its surface, illuminating the lush greenery around it. She sat on the edge over looking the view.

"Please don't fall," Theo sounds, scurrying to her side in a frenzy. She only giggles as she pulls his to sit next to her, leaning against his chest. I take my place beside her as she gestures for me.

"This is where my heart lies," she whispers, laying her legs in my lap. I glance off at the view as my hands find her skin, holding her legs against me securely.

"Beauty comes from ethereal roots," she hums quietly as her eyes flutter shut. My chest stings at her words, she remembered what I told her. For some reason that alone warmed me well.

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