21. Aftercare

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I sat anxiously batting my knee as I winced listening to her. My head hung on the surface of Everest's bedroom door. I waited for her to say it, as soon as I heard her safe word I'd run in. I couldn't bare listening to screaming in pain any longer.

I knew though that it was harder on Everest then it was on me. She'd never experienced something like this, and having to push her limits for the first time would surely leave her in malice. I know he has a fear of being too rough, I know it lingers behind his dominant state, and he's going to feel divided in himself.

This fact alone is what makes me so certain that Azalea is our perfect match. No woman has ever had such an effect on Everest like she does. To allow him to actually debate fulfilling his own wishes for hers. His fear of breaking her splits him bitterly, and I fear he might have done just that when she cries to him.

"Mango! Everest please I can't take this!" The screeching sound of her cries moves me to stand quicker than I can think. Waiting for the unlatching before I force myself into the room.

My eyes meet her delicate frame as she caves in on herself against the floor, shaking and jerking as she weeps profusely. My chest burns with heart ache at the sight of her. I could never understand dominating somebody the way Everest does. I could never do such a thing to someone else. The reason I am a submissive and not a dominant.

I kneel down beside her and scoop her into my arms quietly, making sure not to touch any of her sore spots. When she's firmly in my grasp my eyes fall to the man in front of us. His hands over his mouth and eyes her shamefully. I can see it in his eyes just how much I was right. How pained he feels just looking at her.

"Are you okay Ev?" I ask, hoping not to pry to get his full sentiment. He doesn't break his gaze from as he steps back slowly.

"Just go," he hisses, turning on his heels sharply as he cowers toward the back of the room. I feel an ache in my stomach at his words but nonetheless I oblige and slip out before anything else is said.

I immediately take Azalea to the bathroom to prepare her a bath. I use my knee to prop her in my arms while I turn on the water, making sure to keep it lukewarm so it won't sting her. I add soothing bath salts into the solution and let it fill for a bit before placing her inside as gently as possible. She winces when the water makes contact with her skin, curling her knees to her chest.

I carefully strip my clothes, trying not to startle her with any loud or fast movements. I place my hand on the top of her back and move her ever so gently, allowing myself enough room to squeeze in behind her. She shudders when my legs envelope her sides and I mumble a quick apology, pulling her against my chest.

She lets her head fall on my collar bone and relaxes her muscles slowly, easing into the comfort. I pour some soap into a loofa and rub her skin extremely carefully making sure to be extra sensitive on her sore spots.

When she's all washed I begin filling a small bucket with the water and pour over her skin, rinsing the soap away. She leans forward as I rinse her back and falters for a moment as if realizing something.

"My hair," she whispers, and I immediately know what she's asking. I place the bucket in front of her and begin un braiding her raven waves. She hums softly as her hair falls loosely over her back.

She extends a full bucket to me, her hands shaking as she struggles to hold the weight. I try not to smile at her small acts of strength and independence as I take the bucket from her. I've always admired her strong willed she is. She leans her head back as the water runs through her hair slowly rinsing it's length.

When she's all cleaned I step out and wrap a towel around my waist securely before tending to her. She wobbles in her place as she tries to stand and I take her hands to stabilize her before she falls.

In Her Bed (18+)Where stories live. Discover now