Chapter 6

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Being able to sail the seas was what Yamato had always dreamed of, but she had never been able to realize it till now. But now there she was, breathing deep in the brackish air while the ship they were travelling on.

"Can I ask what kind of person Saber is?" Yamato asked intrigued.

"What kind of person she is...?" Yuto took a break trying to choose the right words to describe Mordred. "She's like you."

Thinking carefully, Yuto saw many similarities between Yamato and his sister. Both had had a harsh life, both being forced to keep the expectations of their parents. And they grew up hating them.

"Her real name is Mordred and she is a rough, violent, and barbaric person," Yuto continued as he smiled slightly remembering his sister's face. "She likes to fight and show her strength and she doesn't like to lose... well, nobody likes to lose after all."

He remembered how pissed she was when she was humiliated by Caster and it was all her fault and her short fuse.

"But I owe a lot to her," Yuto added. "If I'm the person in front of you, it's because she kept me from throwing my life away."

"So we don't have to defeat her, just ask for her cooperation, right?" Yamato guessed from the sweet expression on Yuto's face.

"If you truly wish to defeat Kaido and free Wano from its Shogun, her sword and the spear of Lancer are necessary," Merlin intervened. "As much as their power is half as it was originally, they remain stronger than a human being."

Yamato touched her chin with her index finger. "But if so, why didn't we accept the invitation of Vice-Admiral Garp to sail with him?"

Yuto had no problem admitting that Garp had made a good impression on him and he was honestly tempted to accept his help; however, he did not want to feel indebted to them for a ride.

"Changing the subject, how's your fruit?" Yamato asked.

Yuto stretched out his right arm and turned it into a wolf's paw and then back into a human's.

Another reason he choose to refuse Garp's help was that he had spent the last few days learning to control the power of the devil fruit he had eaten.

"I can change normally now, but I don't seem to have any abilities other than those I already have," Yuto said after he had tried to find out if his devil fruit had granted him something other than the possibility to transform into a wolf. If this was the case, what he had done had been useless. "Is it possible to eat a second fruit?"

"It isn't," Yamato replied, touching her chin and becoming contemplative. "Or at least I've never heard of anyone who has."

Yuto sighed. It didn't matter. He would adapt Tracing to his new skill.


What was happening was strange. Mordred did not understand exactly what had happened after the destruction of the Lesser Grail. She only knew that a moment was fading before the eyes of her master/younger brother and a moment later she found herself in the Kingdom of Goa.

"Are you still swinging that sword?!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Mordred stopped training and made Clarent vanish.

Turning through the voice, she saw a black-haired guy sitting on a rock. He wore a simple unbuttoned yellow shirt, dark trousers held on by a brown leather belt and a small blue bag hanging on his right leg and a pair of dark boots. He also wore orange hair with three smileys attached to the front.

"It's not like I have anything better to do after all," she said, observing the unconscious bandits tied to a rock on the edge of the cliff. "What do you want, Ace?"

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