So, this was your case. Huh. You, Lieutenant Anderson and Connor were searching for any sort of marks that the deviant may have left. Nothing seemed to be there. Connor was following some sort of invisible trail, or at least invisible to your eyes, but he kept on getting lead to dead ends. Nothing seemed to be working. This deviant sure seemed to know how to cover up their tracks.

It felt like you were never going to prove yourself worthy for bigger cases then the ones you usually got assigned. Maybe all of this was worthless. A set up. It could be? You didn't really know what to do or where to go and felt a little disheartened at how stuck you were on your first ever case to do with ACTUAL criminals. Not just confronting them, but trying to find them. This was exiting for you. Especially considering that you were working with Lieutenant Anderson and an android on a case that they were specialised in. Maybe you just weren't built for this.

Everything started going downhill. It had been around two hours of just looking for some form of evidence, before you actually found something. You stood there looking at someone. Just, stood there was the android you were looking for. It had literally just hit on top of a sign and none of you had thought to look up. That wasn't a good beginning to your case.

"Wha-" You began to speak, but the android ran past you trying to make a daring escape. You heard footsteps begin thudding behind you at a fast pace and before you knew it, Connor, Lieutenant Anderson and you were running after this deviant. The deviant was fast. So fast that you and Anderson couldn't keep up, but Connor was faster. Anything the deviant tried to do, Connor could also do and he'd do it faster.

After what seemed like ages, Connor returned with a broken, beaten android. 'AP700' read the deviant's clothes. It looked like it'd just run out from a store with it's clothes on before being brought here. You knew that this android had murdered someone, but not in a store. Last time you had seen it (when you were questioning it) it'd been in lighter and baggier clothes with a hat on. You figured they'd dressed the android back into it's normal clothes. To fit in more, or something like that, with all it's android buddies.

You and Connor held the deviant whilst Anderson opened the door to the cell the deviant would stay in until there was a space in time for it to be taken apart. Connor looked slightly upset as you and Lieutenant talked about taking it apart. How the both of you talked about it so easily, as if the deviant didn't even resemble a human. Maybe, along with all of the other humans, you were also loosing your human decency. Looking at Connor had clicked you back into that, 'what if' mindset you had previously been in.

Lieutenant Anderson looked at you, "Worried it has emotions? Worried it's not lying?" He started before you just gave him a look telling him to fuck off, "You should hear Connor talk. He knows all the facts about the androids and their bugs... or whatever causes this shit." Anderson instantly understood he had said the wrong thing, so he looked towards Connor with a look saying 'help me'.

"Yes, Lieutenant Anderson is correct. Androids and deviants can not feel emotion. It is simply an error in their software which causes a reaction that resembles human emotion. Androids don't feel happiness, sadness, fear or any other emotion. It's all in the software errors. We will simply take the android apart and figure out why it malfunctioned." As Connor spoke, you wondered more and more weather he felt any emotions. Weather this was all an act. You just shook your head in response to what he said.

What he was saying was what he was programmed to say. You wondered if there was something more. You started questioning him, asking him if he had ever felt anything close to empathy, sadness or grief before being interrupted by a slightly upset Hank Anderson. Standing there with Anderson in front of you made you want to know more about Connor. More about androids just in general. Weather they felt emotion, how they deviated and whatever else there was to learn about them. Connor had his mission to find and resolve the cases of the deviants, and you decided you now had yours. Your mission was to make Connor, and Anderson if he was willing to co-operate, realise that androids may actually be able to feel something ever so close to human emotions. That they weren't emotionless like everyobody thought.

-804 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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