Chapter 5

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They both had been singing a spectacular duet of CPR. (Don't blame them, they were drunk.)  The tipsy crowd of drunkards cheered, as the duo went back to their table.

Jack's POV

"Daaamnnn... This shit's fun as fuuuckk!!" Dave giggled at his response. "Fuck yeah it is, sportsy!" Both of the drunk highlighters bellowed with laughter. "Wanna- *hic* Do another- *hic*..duet?" Jack grinned, "What song?" Jack was dying to show off his skills on the stage again, especially if the crowd loved them. "Just the two of us," Dave replied. "Fitting, eh?"

Dave's POV

Old Sport nodded, as Dave raised his hand."Can we do another duet?" The person who just finished their turn leaped off the stage, and passed them their mics. "Sure thing." The drunkard walked away, leaving them both to put in the song. "Ahem! Me and Sportsy's gonna do another one!" Jack snickered. "Try and top this!" He put in.

Jack's POV

He and Dave had sang the entirety of the song, and Jack had the craziest of Ideas. He grabbed Dave's tie and dragged him towards him. He stared up at the taller male for a second, before kissing him. Dave seemed surprised, but replied by scooping Jack into his arms. Once they parted, Jack laughed, it felt amazing.. The duo took a swig of a beer, before heading back to their hotel room.

Dave's POV

It was about 2am when they got home, Dave was still bubbly about Jack's sudden show of affection, but he decided to let sober him freak out about it later. Old sport led him to their room, Dave didn't have time to savor all the little details, as Jack fell back onto the bed, and curled up in the covers. Dave laughed, and laid (laid? Layed? Lay down?) down next to him. He stared at his precious tangerine with a smile, before curling up behind him.

Jack's POV

"I'm fucking cold." He stated, as Dave made a sudden noise. "Uh- okay..? Want me to warm you up?" Jack got up, his face red and flustered. "I- I mean- no homo..?" Dave laughed. "I think we're past that." He sat next to Jack, and whispered in his ear. "Just trust me." Jack nodded, as the two of them fell back into their positions. Dave's arms were wrapped around Jack, giving him a soothing warmth. It was so easy to just give in.. Fall asleep in the arms of the person he loved.

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