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I woke up to the sound of boys laughing. I groaned and rolled over, hoping they would shut up. But, the walls here are paper thin, and so nothing helped. Even if they talked quieter, it was still loud enough to keep me up. So, I got up. I have a large circular mirror above my dresser. My hair looked like shit. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt, a plaid skirt, and knee-high black socks. One of my favorite outfits. The sleeves of the shirt rested on the sides of my shoulders, exposing my collarbone with them. And the skirt was different shades of brown and orange. I covered the socks with knee-high boots. I walk into my bathroom, and brush out my hair, cleaned my teeth, and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I took a few mirror pictures- I looked cute.

I walked out the door, and to the apartment office

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I walked out the door, and to the apartment office. I had a question about a pet policy...
" Goodmorning Taelor! What can I help you with?" The owner of the building, Ms. Greene, didn't work here. But she knew who I was since she always brought complimentary baked goods every morning. And I came to the office every morning for my mail, so.
" I'm just grabbing my mail, and I had some questions about the pet policy. Have they changed? Can we have animals here now?" I opened my mail locker to nothing, and turned back to her.
" Yeah, so I allow up to 2 dogs or 3 cats, or 1 dog and 2 cats. There was supposed to be notices posted on everyones door," she added. I nod my head, " What about a rabbit?" She gave a concerned look before saying, " Well I suppose since you are my favorite resident, sure!" She smiled and patted my shoulder before leaving the building. I stood alone for a second, grinning to myself. I turned around and BAM!
I fell back, and someone reached out, catching me by my hand. I looked up to see a stunning man with white hair, smiling with the most perfect teeth I've ever seen. " I am so sorry, I promise I wasn't trying to stand that close-" I quickly pulled my hand from his. He was dressed weirdly... like in a costume. He had these giant matching tattoos on both of his shoulders and wrists. I could peep a lightning tatoo on his chest, too. He also had an anime character on his bicep, and what looked like a cloud in Asian styling on the back of his arm, right above his elbow.
I stopped inspecting him. " It's fine. I was just a little startled. Um, why are you dressed like that? I mean, I'm guessing you don't dress this way everyday, do you?" I tried making the question sound as nice as possible. I mean, the guy has gloves on too, I doubt it's an everyday thing...
" Nope, not everyday, just for the next few days. There's a thing called AnimeCon, and I'm here with my friends to go to it. It's being held like an hour from here." I had no clue what that was so my expression stayed confused. " AnimeCon is an anime convention. Most everybody dresses up as an anime character, like I am. I'm Danny by the way," He held out his hand, and I shook it.
" Taelor!" I heard someone shout excitedly. I look behind Danny and there was Arny, also dressed up like a weirdo, and another guy who had half white and half red hair, and a red splotch of color all over one side of his face. " Goodmorning! These are my friends, Danny and Pete. We like anime a lot so we go to conventions. Do you... watch anime?" He stuttered. I shook my head no. " Nah I love fantasy but I like the realism of the other shows. Nice to meet you guys, but I have a rabbit to adopt," I shook Pete's hand and gave a quick apologetic smile before trotting out the door. I double checked that my apartment was locked, jumped onto my bike, and revved it up. It was my Dad's gift to me for my 21st birthday.

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