Troll? In The Dungeon!?

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I wake up and drag myself to the bathroom. And only then do I see what a mess our room is. I ignore it and I brush my teeth and hair. I put on a little concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. I dress for Halloween in a cute but still weather appropriate outfit. (The one above but green version.) I head up the stairs to the common room passing a few older students who congratulate me on getting a tryout with Flint. I nod along just so I can get to breakfast I am starving. I walk out of the common room to be greeted by the curly haired boy from before. "Good morning. Have a good day" and walk away. "Wait" he calls "Yes?" He hands me a cat "She doesn't like me, and I thought you looked like you needed a cat so here." he practically throws the kitten at me. I look up to thank him and he is gone, so I turn and continue to the great hall. But not before casting the cat to my room inside a temporary cage. Thats was weird I mean I don't even know him, and she looks like the cat from the store. she couldn't be right?

I got to the great hall and sit down and calmly eat my breakfast most people ignore per usual. But not my friends though most of them look hungover from the candy and butter beer they had. They still chat and smile which in turn makes me smile. I finish breakfast and begin to head to my first class which is Dark Arts. Professor Quirrell has a little less stuttering today as I sit in my seat next to Draco. "W-welcome to c-class t-t-today." I roll my eyes and lean back soaking up what he says. "M-m-miss P-p-potter" "Yes professor Quirrell?" "W-w-what w-was I s-s-speaking about?" "Sir you were speaking about the banshee you had confronted in Baghdad that had cut out her vocal cords. Though you say her gift was still present, I do think that she did not wish to be a banshee but of course who bloody would?" He seems affronted but nods to me that I'm not in trouble and continues. As the class ends Harry tries to speak with me but I leave before he can even get across the room I hide in the bathroom for a while and Hermione enters "Ron that that bloody bastard" I say after she tells me what occurred "No, no. he was only commenting it because I wasn't there. Well, I was but he thought I wasn't.' I sigh "Hermione that isn't much better" She sheds some more tears "Hermione, you are gorgeous, and Ron is only being rude because you are actually a compliant human. I know you probably won't listen, but I care about you, and I know that if we listen to all the hateful things people say, we would probably be dead by now. But I know you are going to be amazing in life so don't you dare listen to them unless they say something empowering. Okay?" She nods and I walk out. I hope she knows that she isn't some dumb doll they think they can mess with.

~ Time Skip to Dinner~

As I was sitting down someone pushes me off of my seat. I look up to see a smirking Pansy, so I stand up sit down and start eating, then in a quick move I check her off of the bench. She falls and glares at me. We glare at each other than bust out laughing. I help her up and we sit down. "TROLL, TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. I thought you out to know." Quirrell announces. Draco and most of everyone else screams. What's the big deal? I mean sure they are scary but don't do anything to them and they might not harm you like spiders or wasps or even bees. Anyway, Dumbledore yells at us and our prefect begins to lead us to our dorms. I duck away so I can grab my bag, but I see a shadow by the girls' bathroom. And I remember Hermione was in there, so I run to the bathroom to find her. "Hermione, there's a troll loose in the castle." "What" She comes out of her stall but all too late. The troll walks in. Thinking fast "Reducto" I yell and the troll flies backwards. Harry and Ronald come rushing in and stop short. I dust myself off and start to walk away. "Thank you" "It is no problem really Hermione I thought you might need help. Now I must go Professor Snape might kill me if he walks in here. " I spoke to soon.

Snape, Quirrell, and McGonagall "Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, The four of you!" "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Says Hermione "Miss Granger?" "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Cleopatra hadn't found me...I'd probably be dead." McGonagall sighs "Be that as it may was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behavior on your part, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment." She turns to me" As for you young lady I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points...will be awarded to you." I smile and Harry and Ron frown "For sheer dumb luck." I leave the bathroom and begin to walk back to my common room when snape stops me "What spell did you use?" He asks, "Excuse me?" "The spell?" "Reducto" I reply. He turns away "An extra 30 points for advanced knowledge." I bust out a huge full teeth smile. And walk away as he does the same. Walk away that is.

I burst through the doors to the common room. and run up the stairs to the room I share with the girls. "HEY, I WON US 30 POINTS AND I GOT A CAT" I shout while jumping up and down. The girls jump up and down with me until they see Pansy and Daphne aren't jumping. then realize that I had been gone and began checking me for injuries. I calm them and begin to explain. 10 minutes, 3 bags of chips, and two shouting matches later I am done. The girls are in various mood ranging from angry to upset. and sad to happy. And one of them is glaring at me (*Cough Cough* Pansy) I walk over to her bed and begin to talk "I am sorry that I put myself in danger I won't do it again. Probably. Maybe. Probably not. But I will try. And I will also try to not adopt as many pets. Maybe" I look up and she is smiling. "All is defiantly forgiven on the cat part she loves us. I forgive you but try harder next time we don't need the Golden trio to hate us even more." I sigh but silently agree and once she sees on my face she won she lays down and reads her book. Pride and Prejudice. cool title. I walk over to where the other girls are talking about cute boys and how they hate Dumbledore. I sit down between Julissa and Lula and feast on the pile of snacks they were hoarding.

At 3 in the morning, we call it a night. I lay down and think of how I wish I could, just for a second, Be special like my brother. But I know that's not going to happen, so I turn over and fall asleep thinking of how to find a house elf Julie had told me and I was curious. I mean come on the things sound adorable.

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