Quidditch Match

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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." Thats what Charles Dickinson said once. It completely doesn't apply here but I like the quote. 

The day before the first quidditch match of my first season. We were watching a play called My Brother is Retarded. It's watching Snape catch Harry with library book outside. Let me explain, since in previous year student destroyed books because they had them outside on the grounds. Madam Pince had told me that a couple students even had mud in the book they returned. But Harry didn't even get caught for that blue fire though Hermione seems nice enough. 

Anyways the girls, Max, and I walk away up to the castle. Through the halls and down to the dungeons. Before we could get halfway there Fred and George stop me. So I wave my friends on and Fred drags me to the kitchens. "We are truly sorry about tomorrow." "We are beaters for Gryffindor." "Cool" I say to them "That means we will be in the same position." they look confused then Fred speaks "We didn't know what position no one except Slytherin knew you were a Beater. I think Flint wanted to keep it a secret. but were excited we can show you all our moves." George nudges him "Well not all." I smile and wave bye. I continue down the hall past Hufflepuff's barrels and get to the wall and whisper the password. "Hatred" I then enter the common rooms and head straight to the girl's dorm common room, Last week Pansy decided we needed a private area to ignore the rest of the students. So, her and I created this area. It used to be a broom closet, but we changed some stuff around and a plus the guys don't have to go into our rooms. I mean I am grateful that we put that charm on the room. I began to walk through the main common room. Well, I tried too anyway. Draco stopped me "Hey Queen." "Hey Dragon" we started this yesterday when he asked what my name meant. "How was your day?" "Great but you were there most of the time Draco." He blushes "I was just asking" "Thank you for asking." I walk up the stairs Pansy told us this morning that the 7th years remove the gender charm last night. So, Draco followed me up to the room. I walk in and everyone is studying. By studying, I mean goofing around. I sit down in front of the couch. Draco nudges me and sits behind me on my left side. I begin to try and answer the essay question Professor McGonagall assigned us today. "Thats wrong Queen." I grab my wand and remove the ink. I begin to write again when Pansy jumps up. "Queen and Draco gave me an idea let's play a game." It seems weird when someone else calls me Queen. And how did we give her the idea? Anyway "Lets' play Truth or Dare. I will go first." she spins the quill she placed a floating charm on. it lands on Draco "Draco do you like someone." He blushes slightly before straightening "Yes. and no, I won't tell you."

They game continues for at least 30 minutes before Draco ask me a question. "Hey Queen truth or Dare?" "truth" I reply he smiles at me "Is it true that you are nervous about tomorrow. "Yes, though I am equally excited, and I wish you guys could be on the team with me." Pansy smiles at me and says, "Wait 'til next year girl." She winks and seeing that we all erupt into laughter. but Blaise doesn't laugh and tells her "I thought it was adorable." she grins at him. Aww that's adorable. Anyway, I get up and walk into my room. Draco follows me and we enter my room. I go to change in the bathroom. Soon I walk out, and Draco expanded the bed, and he is asleep on one side. I crawl on to the other side. I fall asleep in Draco's arms prepared for the game.

~3rd Person POV~

The next morning, Harry feels terrible—he didn't get much sleep, and he's not hungry at breakfast. By eleven o'clock, the whole school is at the Quidditch field. Hermione, Ron , Seamus, and Neville have painted a Potter for President banner to surprise Harry. In the locker room, Oliver gives a short motivational speech and then the team walks onto the field, where Madam Hooch is refereeing. When Harry sees the banner, he feels a little bit braver. The game begins in a swirl of balls, brooms, and bats. Gryffindor pulls ahead early, and flies way above everyone else, looking for the Snitch. But partway through the game, feels his broom lurch under him, as though the broom is trying to buck him off. No one seems to have noticed it, until , Hagrid who is sitting with Ron and Hermione, points out that it seems like Harry's lost control of his broom waver and starts to roll, causing Harry to dangle from it by one hand. The crowd gasps. Hermione grabs Hagrid's binoculars and looks at the crowd. She sees Snape, who has his eyes fixed on Harry and is muttering something under his breath. Thinking that Snape is jinxing the broom, Hermione races to the row of seats behind Snape, accidentally knocking Professor Quirrell over in the process. She crouches behind Snape and casts a spell to set his robes on fire, thus breaking his focus. In the air, Harry is able to clamber back onto his broom. speeds toward the ground and hits the field on all fours. His hand is clamped over his mouth as if he's going to throw up. He coughs, and the Snitch falls into his hand, ending the game in confusion. Gryffindor wins 170 points to 60—the Gryffindors cheer the results. Later, Harry returns to Hagrid's hut with and for tea. Ron explains that was the one jinxing the broom, but Hagrid is unconvinced. Harry reveals that he found out Snape tried to get past the three-headed dog, and that Snape's trying to steal whatever it's guarding. Hagrid is shocked that they know about Fluffy and argues that Snape wouldn't try to steal what it's guarding. He concludes by saying that the kids shouldn't try to intervene, and that what the dog is guarding is strictly the business of Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel. The kids' ears perk up at this new piece of information, and Hagrid realizes that he's said too much. 

Sorry it sucks, the 3rd person that is I didn't know what to write for her so I wrote in 3rd pov

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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