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I can't rely on jimin everytime . He has his life too . She's online . I feel like doing something otherwise I'll regret it later . I hope she still remembers me .

Is it okay to text her now ?? What will she think about me ??? I hope she'll not think of me as a stalker . I'm battling again internally to text her or not . I toy with my fingers .

I sighed and end up texting her .

Hi <
I send her this simple hi . I lick my lips. I hope she takes this in a positive manner .

Hey >

That's me jeon jungkook , that guy who met you in the garden . And we talk a lot . I hope you still remember me . 😅<

I add simple details so that she'll not face problems for identifying me .

Don't worry Mr jeon . I still remember you 😉. >

She still remember me . I'm relieved to hear it from her .

Am I disturbing you ???? I apologize if I disturbed you <

Negative !!! I've some free time Mr jeon , don't apologize >

Are you for real?? You're not saying this out of respect, am I right??? <

Nope !! I told you I'm comfortable with you . And I'll always respect you Mr jeon . >

So , what are you doing??? <

I lick my lips . I'm very bad in starting a conversation. I don't know why I'm feeling nervous.

I'm lying on my bed , chatting with you . What about you??? >

Oh what a coincidence !!! I'm doing the same 😉 <

Its almost midnight Mr jeon and a lazy person like me you'll always find me on my bed scrolling insta >

Hahaha !!!! I didn't know you're jimin's friend . <

Well , I'm not really his friend . We talk few times on insta and likes each other pics . >

Oh i see . I'm not surprised your account is surrounded with smashing pictures. <

Ah ha , yours also surrounded with perfect and SHIRTLESS pictures >

A smirk formed on my face .
She highlighted the word shirtless she's teasing me now . This girl is crazy .

Well , what should I to do with it then ??? Hide my abs ??? Dont you think it is supposed to be on display ?? < 😏

So you make your abs for girls ?? Mr handsome millionaire , im dissappointed.😑 >

Aint my fault that I'm too popular among girls , miss park . <

Hahaha !!! Whatever , they're just hungry b*tches who wants to secure themselves on monetary terms . I'm not like them . Mr jeon >

Are you perhaps jealous girl . <
She's so bold I hope she don't mind my texts .


Just accept it you are jealous. Wil you??? <

I'm having fun with her .

Okay fine I'm a bit jealous , cause you're my friend now and i won't let those girls to see my friend and make him feel uncomfortable. >

I grin

Ohhhh .thanks for you CARING miss park . <

My pleasure !!! Mr jeon 😉 >

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