Cheap Cologne

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You sat at the table in front of Billy's empty seat. Your mom had followed you to the table smiling to Billy's family as she sat back down. Billy seemed to delay behind coming to sit minutes later after your mom had started a conversation back up with Susan who you realized was Billy's stepmother earlier when he referred to the short red headed girl as his stepsister.

"This spaghetti is just perfect (y/m/n) we are so glad we got some time to finally come." Susan spoke smiling.

"Oh it's nothing really! I always love company!" Your mom replied with a smile back.

You stared at Billy who crossed his arms glaring back at you. The stare was only broken when his father leaned over speaking quietly to him. He glanced at his plate listening to him. You couldn't understand when he said, but guessed by the way Billy had now began eating that he told him to.

You now looked over to Billy's stepsister who watched you closely before darting her eyes back at her plate. She didn't say a word but you couldn't blame her for staring. Especially since she seemed to be the only one noticing the tension between you and Billy. You turned back away towards your plate eating.

You were the last to finish making you the one who had to grab the empty plates. You stood up walking around the table picking the dishes up one by one as you smiled awkwardly. You got to Billy, grabbing his plate quickly and hurrying to the sink.

"Such a nice young lady," Billy's father commented. "Maybe her and Billy should spend some more time together," he chuckled.

You turned the water on ignoring the comment as you began washing the dishes.

"Oh, well, you know he's welcome any time," your mom laughed back.

You continued scrubbing at the dishes not hearing Billy's footsteps behind you.

"Hear that, (y/n)? I'm welcome any time. And if you don't keep your mouth shut and your head turned, you know what that means." Billy whispered quietly in your ear.

You gulped turning the water off, pushing past him to your room. He didn't bother to follow. You shut your door behind you falling into the bed you were once pinned to. The sun was already setting now but you could hear the conversation continuing in the other room long after until the moon rose into the sky.

You only concluded that they were leaving when you heard your creaky front door finally open and close one last time as their voices faded out. You sighed deciding not to watch them leave from your window. They were a walk away so there wasn't much to see anyways.

You began changing into a big tee and some shorts before plopping into your bed. Even with Billy's further torment tonight you couldn't shake your newly found feelings towards him. Still, you were glad to finally just go back to bed and forget that the smell of Billy Hargrove's cheap cologne had been within your walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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