Determined to die alone.

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2 Months Later.

Let the waves crash and the sun is set and the boy leaves. 

It really is overwhelming. You'd think that him cheating would help, but it doesn't. She had everything planned. Alongside her, she could see him aging. She imagined attempting to conceive a kid with him. She imagined going on vacations with him, taking long drives with him, and strolling along beaches at dusk. She could picture herself making an effort to improve and change. But most dreams come to an end. She was unaware that she was dreaming, which set this dream apart from her previous ones. She believed everything to be true, but I suppose life still comes with many unpleasant surprises. Most likely, she will keep wallowing in her own misery.

Meredith and her friends are seated in the hospital cafeteria. She had entirely blocked out their voices. Her salad untouched. Naturally, her friends were aware of it. Despite the fact that it has been occurring frequently over the past few weeks, neither of them have mentioned it. She has been given time to pout, apparently. After all, she did lose her McDreamy.

"I've been trying to give you some space for the past few weeks, but I've reached my limit. Since no one is saying anything, I'll ask. What's wrong with you?" Izzie was at her snapping point.

"Nothing," Meredith says, still tossing the leaves on her salad back and forth.

"We're not blind Grey. If you haven't noticed, you knit." Mark says backing Izzie up. 

"That's Bambi's job". Cristina says, earning an annoyed look from Izzie. She ignores it and continues, "She's even gone 2 months without sex." Cristina mutters, earning gasps from everyone. 

"Liar." Izzie exclaims 

"Is that why she hasn't been to Joe's in months?" Cristina nods at George's question.

"I guess you could do anything if you put your mind to it." Alex says teasingly, making everyone laugh. Meredith just rolls her eyes.

"I have the right to not want sex every now and then. You don't have to make it a big deal." Meredith says earning an eye roll from Cristina.

 Although she was aware of how feeble the counterback was, she lacked the strength to come up with a strong response. It has been exhausting today, as it has been every day. She enjoys her work yet simultaneously despises it. Additionally, it has become harder. Annoying patients and their families.

 It didn't help that Derek kept giving her heart eyes while she tried to avoid him in the elevator and halls. She was simply so worn out.

All she wanted was to go home and drink. She had the day off tomorrow, so she could get piss drunk.

Meredith is awoken by the sunlight splashing on her face. She can already feel the headache kicking in. She was finally getting better at sleeping alone again since the whole Derek thing. 

"What the hell Cristina?" She groans exhausted already. There's one thing waking up early when you know you have work but waking up early when you don't have anywhere to be is completely different.

The shower of sunshine on Meredith's face awakens her. Her headache is already beginning to set in. Since the whole Derek incident, she was finally becoming more adept at sleeping by herself.

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