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May 29, 1981 


It was now the twin's 10th Birthday!! Finally, they're in their double digits. They started going to school at 6 years old, the twins have been inseparable since they were born, even at school they never leave each other's sides. In the last 4 years, I and Howard have been throwing a party for their birthday. Though this year we didn't do a huge party. I and Howard thought that it would be safer for the baby to be around a few people, the Jarvis' are here, so as the Shaw's and Peggy. Oh yes, you might be asking who is this baby. Well, I gave birth to a little baby boy, technically I was C-sectioned considering I'm quite old. Alexander Walter Stark is a miracle. The twins love him and they don't even leave his side. Tonia sings Alex her favorite songs like Slipping Through My Fingers by Abba, or Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra. I might say Tonia's music taste is so......Unique. There are times where she's into 40s music, or there are times she's into 70s music. It's very unique, she also has a collection of vinyl records, sadly her turn table broke not so long ago. She has been begging for a new one, but we haven't really had the time to go out and buy one since Howard has been busy with S.H.I.E.L.D. We're- well they're finding more recruits who's willing to join SHIELD, they have found a few people but that's about it. Now onto Tony, well Tony reads his little brother stories, it's a cute sight to see honestly. He loves Alex so much, sometimes I find the 3 of them; Tony, Tonia, and Alex, In Alex's room reading him a book "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss. Alex was in his crib while Tony and Tonia are not far from the crib laying down on the floor and Sitting by the wall. It was so cute that I ran to find a camera and took a picture to put up sometime. Now back to the Twin's birthday. 


Today is Tony and I's 10th Birthday, I can't believe it. I love Tony with all my heart, You could say he's my best friend. OH AND I have a new brother, his name is Alex and I love him so much,  I sometimes sing to him my favorite songs. Oh I have news! I got my first period last week!!! I was not that excited, It wasn't a big deal for me. But Tony FREAKED OUT HHAAHHAa, we were walking home from school with Hilary, Tempy and Marcus, our cousins. 


Tony's POV

We were walking home from school, it wasn't that far. But as we were walking  through thee neighborhood to our house when I see Tonia's pants going red since I am behind her I am the first one to see, I freaked out and slapped Marcus's arm and whisper yell at him. "MARCUS WHY IS TONIA'S PANTS GOING RED?!" I said in a whisper yell, "chill out tony" said Marcus. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHILL OUT WHEN MY SISTER IS BLEEDING IN HER PANTS. "Hilary I think Gracey got her period" said Marcus, Gracey is what our cousins call Tonia and they call me Eddie *rolls eyes* I don't really prefer that name but whatever, and they call Alex, Walt. They call us by our second names. 

A/n: yes Tony's got attitude 

Marcus clapped his face in front of my face "Eddie, give me your jacket" "What?! WHY?" I asked " I need it you dingus" said Tonia. I then gave her my jacket and she put it on her waist, she wasn't even bothered  while here I am freaking out. A few minutes passed later We got home she told mom, then we went to the kitchen to eat and that was it. 

A/n: Sorry if the pov is quite confusing

-Back to Present time-


 I was snapped out of the flashback that Tony told me when we got back home that night and i was laughing my butt off, when Tony knocked on my door, "Come In" I shouted. "Hey everyone's here dinner is starting" said Tony, " okay let's go" I said to Tony putting my arm around his shoulder since I'm so much taller than him I'm like 5'2 inches while he's like 4'11. "Hey, Happy Birthday Brainiac" Tony greeted, "Happy Birthday Genius" I greeted back and then we went to the dining room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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