chapter one: Meet Becca

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My names Rebecca but everyone calls me Becca. I am sixteen years old and I have long black hair that goes to the middle of my back. I have deep green eyes and I'm skinny, but not to skinny. I'm from a city in Ohio called Kirtland. I don't have a lot of friends, honostly I only have two. Erin and Matt, Erin is beautiful she has ocean blue eyes and long blonde goldem hair. Matt has brown hair thats always in a mohawk and brown eyes. They both are about the same size as I am, except Matt had muscles. We all have our right side of our noses pierced with a small hoop.

All three of us are reckless, ill admit it. We sneak into clubs and get drunk, we smoke, amd we do stupid stuff like sneak into abandoned mental asylums. Erin lives with her grandparents because her parents were killed in a terrible plane crash, she is also sixteen. Matt has his own place, he's eighteen and honestly he's the only reason we get into places.

As for me, I live with my mom and her abusive boyfriend. My mom told me she doesnt know who my father is, there were a lot of guys she used to fool around with. Technically she was calling me an accident but its okay I know I was. For all I know my father could be rich and successful or out doing drugs or even dead. My mom stacey works at a stripper club and her boyfriend Adam works at a tattoo place. Our house is small we barely can afford it its two stories and there's only two rooms and half of the first floor is the kitchen.

My mom has been with Adam for seven years. He's physically and emotionally abused us more times then I can count and its gone on since I was nine years old. Nine years old and I was told I was useless and didn't deserve to live, and I was hit for doing nothing wrong.

I get drunk, I get high, and I sneak out of the house to go hang out with guys and my mother doesn't care. Yay me right!? I honostly wish I could just take a stand and stick up for myself or at least punch Adam back when he hits me but I never have the strength to. I wish I could run away and never look back but I know I wouldn't get far.

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